The recipe for success: preparation plus a positive Jupiter progression. (To better understand a secondary progression, you can look it up in the Wikipedia.)
Oprah, who has an incredible chart, since she has experienced less than her share of negative aspects, continues with her good luck. This billionaire has yet another Jupiter progression to her progressed Venus (also considered to be a money planet). And then there are two more progressed trines. So Oprah can do pretty much whatever she wants to do. I'm going out on a limb, but I think she will quit her show. Not because of a negative aspect, but because she is feeling so confident. And there is another consideration.
Bonnie Hunt who has been in the entertainment business for twenty five years with minor success also has a positive Jupiter progression, THE STAR MAKER. In addition, she has four, count them four, sextiles. The hard work finally pays off. This is Bonnie's year. And in order for it to really be a dream come true, Oprah needs to be missing. Doesn't the universe neatly tie up these packages?
Oprah will continue to be successful. I don't see her quitting, I see her starting something else. But I also see the possibility of health problems (nothing too serious since Jupiter is protecting her) if she doesn't slow down. A move is shown, so she may spend more time out of Chicago. There is definitely an ending in her life in 2010. Could this be her long time, unbelievably successful show?
UPDATE: Oprah is ending her show in 2011 and it is thought she may move her new cable station to California (if she can get around our unfriendly tax laws).
UPDATE: Bonnie's show has been cancelled as of May 2010 so oops on that one. But she still has the positive Jupiter progression, so I still think success is in her future.