An eclipse is a mysterious thing. No one seems to know exactly what to think of them. Usually there are four to six a year. They can have a profound effect on your life, but only if they fall on a planet or opposite a planet in your natal chart. And then only if the degrees of the eclipse are within 4 degrees of your planet's degree.
Here's what happened to me when the 11/13/12 eclipse at 21 Scorpio 57 was at the same degree (within four degrees) of my natal Venus at 20 Scorpio 37. I was in a relationship that was problematic. It was someone very important to me. But it wasn't running smoothly -- not at all. There had been many arguments, but we seemed to be making progress. I was hoping it was just a necessary process -- that we were defining boundaries. And then the eclipse happened and poof! There was an issue that wasn't going to go away -- a problem that could have come up at any other time. But it began the night before the eclipse. And the relationship ended within the week.
Can an eclipse cause a relationship to end? I don't think it can. But if a structure is teetering, the eclipse can push it off the cliff. The reason it was a relationship is because Venus rules the 7th House of Partnerships. If the eclipse hit another planet, you would look to see what that planet represents.
Eclipses eclipse. It was there and then it wasn't. It's emotional, because it is the Moon. I've never seen a positive result. And for me, it's always a week before or a week after you will see the result.
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