"Even death hasn't brought peace for Michael Jackson," writes now that he as once again been accused of child molestation by Wade Robson. But XTROLOGY readers have known this since July 30th, 2009. This was my blog:
Can your astrological chart continue beyond your death? Yes, in the way it affects the people that loved you. Michael Jackson was a very tortured soul, astrologically, with the longest progressed Mars square I have ever seen. (WHY MICHAEL JACKSON WAS UNIQUE) Therefore, his legacy will continue that pattern because the square continues for four more years.
I think it will take that long for Michael to rest in peace. The turmoil will continue with a lot of fighting around his loved ones. And the public will not be able to let him go either. One way people keep people alive is to keep the controversy alive. Neither his family or the public is ready to let go of Michael. He touched a lot of hearts.
So it's his children now that will suffer. His astrology chart lives beyond his death. For a private consultation, contact And please visit Xtrology in Facebook and Twitter.