If you've seen the docudrama, "Going Clear," you probably are wondering what's up with Tom Cruise. Rumors have been circling around him for ages, but seeing him in this movie sort of puts some of that to rest. Does astrology have the answer to why...
Tom Cruise has a Cancer Sun. And while that's bad enough, they're all incredibly sensitive, it really isn't his problem at all. This guy has seven focal planets. That's simply too much negativity in the natal chart to make it easy to get through the day. I give him credit for his amazing career, but I do believe at home he's impossible. Focal planets are the result of two planets opposing each other and another planet squaring them both. But when you have a Grand Square, like Tom, all those planets become focal planets because they all square and oppose each other. He has Mercury (verbal abuse), Moon (hypersensitivity, but in his case fixed so he holds it in), Venus (unloved and unlovable), Mars (willful to the max), Saturn (highly ambitious), Uranus (unpredictable, odd, kinky), and Neptune (seeing things the way you want to see them). You simply can't be a "normal" person with all this to contend with. And no doubt Cruise is extraordinary in many ways. The only true way to deal with such complexities is to become extremely spiritual. I think with Scientology he tried. But it's way off the mark.
Currently he has his predictive Sun crossing over predictive Uranus. So while this publicity can't be a complete surprise, the fact this movie is the #1 grossing docudrama and so many people are aware of the multitude of Scientology human right violations, he's in an uncomfortable position. Uranus is the planet you will find when an accident is about to happen or just something so incredible none other than eccentric Uranus could represent it. See the movie. You'll see what I mean. He'll be forever connected to this strange "religion." And he really needs to break away and take a stand. Uranus could help him do that.
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