NASA Venus Rising
Did this happen to you? It happened to me. I think. Maybe?
"Only now can you begin to sort out whether something permanent and significant has occurred, or if you have been on a wacky fantasy trip over the last four months.The direct motion of Mercury now presents a clearer vision for you to examine the entire period of this rare and powerful transit of Venus that brought old loves back into your life--from high school or who knows. maybe from way, way, way before that.
Certainly the issues you've been presented with are not new. In fact they are old, old issues. True love doesn't come along often, and when people discover each other, or rediscover each other, they get a taste of their deepest longings. Often the individuals you encounter are coming from different worlds. Only time will tell if those longings fit into your life now, and the orbits you both fly around in are destined to join. Or sadly, if you can ever meet again.
This transit of Venus has been an amazing trip. Question is, have you met or re-met the love of your life ? Have you simply been given an opportunity to touch once again the memory of what joy it is to connect and communicate with people on a wholly intimate and fulfilling level? It's only now, however, with the direct Mercury that you can accurately assess and create some way to go forward with the experiences that have touched many people so deeply.
But no big deal. You'll get another chance. In 2117."
From Michael Lutin: Wednesday, Aug 8, 2012:
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