Piers Morgan was talking about our president's performance in Mexico. The general gist of the conversation was that he looked like he had lost some of his confidence, he was overly stating his case and he seemed tired.
Let's recap the Obama presidency. When Mr. Obama began running for the highest office in the land, his predictive Sun was trine his predictive Jupiter (using the Xtrology method). I predicted on in 2007 that he would be president despite Hillary Clinton's obvious advantage. He was sworn in on January 20, 2009 on a void-of-course moon (nothing happens). But by July of that year, his favorable Jupiter period was gone -- replaced by predictive Mercury square predictive Saturn and predictive Mars square that same Saturn (ruination). Oops. That's why it was critical to his success to accomplish his goals early. And considering these extremely difficult aspects, he still did very well.
On September 2010 President Obama's predictive Sun trined his natal Jupiter. Honestly, I was a little disappointed he didn't get more done from then until now. I expected a more glamorous accomplishment.
Using the birth data we've been given, our president loses the favorable aspects again on July 6, 2012 -- very close to the date of this blog. Overall -- it's been a roller coaster ride. Life's like that. Watch him now and see if you can tell that his favorable aspects are over. Predictive Mercury will square Saturn and Mars is right behind it. Is this what was being discussed on PIERS MORGAN? Is Obama losing his edge?
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