I watched Dr. Wayne Dyer on PBS last night. I thought I might get some insight into the reason his followers are so defensive regarding my comment that he's a hypocrite -- saying that positive thinking will keep you from getting cancer. And then getting cancer. To my surprise, he was making very little sense. I assumed that a man with so many fans would be profound -- even if a little simplistic with his positive thinking can cure everything message. Instead the first half hour was about "I am." That was explored earlier by Descartes, "I think, therefore I am." And let's not forget Neil Diamond, "I Am I Said."
Curious at this lack of content, I explored other opinions such as PSB's, The Ombudsman, "...superficial platitudes that lack rigor and have limited practical or intellectual value."
What about Dr. Dyer's astrology chart explains his success with questionable merit? His Sun is in the practical and material sign of Taurus along with Mercury, Saturn and Uranus -- a Taurus stellium and a defining element. All of these planets are squared by Pluto (power). In a negative aspect it means that the energy does not work efficiently. So his quest for power is the wrong kind of quest -- with no redeeming elements. It's a ruthless determination for control and material gain (we know this because of Taurus).
Neptune squares his Moon and Mars -- badly aspected it's delusion. Positively aspected -- it's creativity as it also trines his Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus. A lot of Neptune in both both good and bad aspects lends itself to manipulation.
Finally Jupiter, the relating principle, squares Venus (people you love). In all, ten of ten planets in his natal chart are squared. This is not a man who knows the right reason or the right way to live. What he knows is what he wants and how to get it. He wants power and money. He gets it by sleight-of-hand (throwing in a little Carlos Castaneda plaguery). Like many psychologists, he started out trying to understand himself. Along the way his goals became more refined, but they never included a spiritual understanding of the Universe.
Currently Dr. Dyer has predictive Sun square Jupiter, predictive Mercury square Jupiter and predictive Mars square predictive Jupiter. Clearly something Jupiter is being overdone, abused. Is he in perfect health as he claims? Are there financial problems? Legal problems? Is it the public trust?
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