I've waited as long as I can to write this blog. Because it pains me to do so. Xtrology was wrong about the 2016 candidate. It should not have been Trump. It should have been Chris Christie, Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. But Chris Christy folded like a Crispy Creme. He couldn't, even with Jupiter's help, get up the confidence to win. Somehow Trump with, by far the worst chart of the bunch, won. I've never been able to explain it, well, the electoral college, voted for Trump. He really didn't win. And maybe that's the explanation. He didn't win. Although it was not about the win, it was about how the poor-little-rich-boy got nominated?
Trump is not as bad a guy as you might imagine. He has a serious mental illness that most people can't recognize because our mental health initiatives are so weak. He's a malignant narcissist among other things. He's an emotional child. He's a liar. Gemini Suns often are. His is Mercury, Venus and Saturn are in Cancer and his Mars in show business Leo but conjunct Pluto (Scorpio). He actually has a humanitarian rising sign, Aquarius, that his Sun is also conjunct (Uranus). He has no focal planets. His chart isn't truly evil, but his actions are. His Moon is in truth talking Sagittarius. Then how does he get so twisted? Neptune is squaring his Mercury? Mental illness is elusive. When planets are debilitated, yes. But in this case not so much.
I have found this -- looking back on a former roommate. Watch for lying in a chart which is easy to spot. Liars with personality disorders can slip into some truly disgusting behavior. Normally you would look for anger. But it's not always there as I've begun to realize. We think we can overlook lying as often that behavior is fairly transparent, but it's a slippery slope. They tumble, without much encouragement at all, into truly despicable behavior -- such as racism. And check this out. Trump isn't really racist. He's lying. Trump does not give a shit enough to care one way or the other. He plays to his audience. Haven't you noticed? His opinions change with the wind. Geminis, when bad, aren't twins. They're two-faced.
Regarding the election: Joe Biden is a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Notice the Venus/Mars conjunction. His Moon is exalted in Taurus and his focal planet is Pluto (all about right and wrong). For a Scorpio, he's a pretty nice guy. I don't hate him. He isn't evil. He's made some huge sacrifices, as Scorpio's always do, regarding the death of family members. He isn't personality disordered. Mostly, besides that being a lot of Scorpio, he's old. Too old to be running for president. I blame the old men at the DNC. This is just the wrong candidate. Please recall that I have said all along we wouldn't be having this discussion if Gavin Newsom were our candidate.
His chart right now has predictive Mercury opposing Jupiter. Biden's message never really got out. If it had, this election would not be close. He also has predictive Jupiter inconjunct his predictive Sun. Two good aspects predictive Mars sextile Venus and the Moon should not be able to overcome Trump's predictive Mercury sextile Jupiter despite the fact it is over. It has not been replaced with a bad angle. I will say the Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter transit is opposing his Sun. But enough to lose? He defied astrology once. Could it happen again?
If you want this monster who separates children and parents, who is canoodling with Russia and North Korea, who is making money while in office (Jimmy Carter gave up his entire peanut empire to be president), who is killing our environment, who lies and bullies on a daily basis and most of all who is incapable of having any kind of empathy for anyone, then you get what you asked for. Trump is a trickster, and you got tricked. God save us all.
For your own personal Xtrology reading, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter. For Instagram, it's xtrology_of_hollywood.