I like him, but a lot. He's an Aquarius with Venus conjunct the Sun. His Mars is in Taurus. Uranus in Leo. And Neptune and Jupiter are in Scorpio. Some of you may have guessed -- that's a Grand Square (all the fixed signs) with six focal planets (two planets oppose and one planet squares -- but in a Grand Square they all become focal planets). Six focal planets makes you an unusual and crazy person. These people are never normal by the standards of others. Having to deal with so much negative energy makes puts them on a constant quest for peace. It never comes. So for most, it will translate into being difficult. The media is calling him a diva making constant requests -- unhappy with the status quo. His focal Sun tells us he is narcissistic. Focal Venus, he feels unlovable. This is the movie star combo -- center of the Universe, but nobody loves him. Mars as a focal planet gives him ridiculous energy and mucho determination. Neptune, focally, he sees it his way. Jupiter focal people like to be around people like themselves -- sort of cultish. And throw in Uranus. He's a rebel. So are you still surprised he's trouble?
Hey Current TV, you hired him. Why didn't you have an astrologer take a look at his chart? This is simple stuff -- to us. It may end up costing you -- what -- $70 million?
Currently Keith Olbermann has predictive Mercury trine Uranus. Not bad. But coming up in approximately 6 months (I don't have his time of birth), he's got predictive Sun trine Jupiter. And how long do law suits take? Probably long enough for this to kick in as it sticks around for at least two years. I smell money. Lots and lots of it.