The big controversy seems to be whether Whitney was an angel or a devil, a diva or a drug addict.
She was a Leo with Venus conjunct the Sun -- very often an indication of beauty. With these planets and Uranus in the 6th House, she was a hard worker (Virgo's house). Her 6th House of Work & Heath and her 7th House of Partnerships are focal houses, because they both contain three planets. So combining work and a relationship (BEING BOBBY BROWN) made sense to her -- even though it was a bad idea. But I can see why Whitney would want to do it. Her focal planet is Neptune. We're all aware that things with her got very fuzzy. Focal Neptune reinforces her Pisces rising as it's ruler.
Like Marilyn Monroe, Whitney has a Moon/Jupiter conjunction. And you can see her love of people, her openness, her enthusiasm for life. The public loves people like this. We can relate to them. Jupiter is the relating principal. It also shows she has a close relationship with her mother (Jupiter). The negative side of this aspect is the native can have an indulgent personality.
Finally with Jupiter in the 2nd House of Money, her estate will do quite nicely. Whitney spent a lot of money, but it will continue to come in.
When you're self-indulgent, you don't need an open checkbook. Ideally your astrology chart would hold an aspect to restrain you. Hers doesn't. Whitney operated full blast with little thought of the consequences. You can't deny her talent. Jupiter in the 2nd House of Taurus which rules the throat/voice. She had it. And she was happy to share it with the world. I predict she's be remembered as an icon, because of the tragedy of her life. We like our angels to have broken wings.