I'm only going to look at Annette Bening and Natalie Portman so, big surprise for me if it's someone else.
What Natalie has going for her that she is in a drama, and The Academy doesn't really go for comedies. But Natalie has a negative progression, the method that I use to determine the future. Her progresed Mars is in opposition to her natal Neptune in the Second House of Money or Things We Value. Mars is just a big trouble maker. Always stirring it up. So don't look to a negative Mars aspect for help. And a negative aspect to Neptune could mean that she is being deceived on some level or there is some hidden information.
Her transiting planets aren't any better. Transisting Jupiter is square her natal Venus and Mercury in Cancer since it has changed signs to Aries. Transiting Venus is square to Pluto. And the real downer, transiting Saturn is conjunct her Pluto. This usually causes the native to lose a job. I've seen that over and over. She can't lose a job, but she may not win an award for the job that she did.
I'm also a little concerned for Natalie's pregnancy, since with this chart, the relationship she's in may not last. If you meet someone in a negative cycle, success is not assured.
So even though it looks like Annette's Jupiter period might be over, and consequently, I could be wrong, I would guess that Annette will win. Because she also has an unusual progression in that Pluto (the slowest moving planet in progressions and transits) has changed signs and is trining her progressed Mars. And her progressed Venus is sextile Pluto. Venus is people you love and can be the public loving you. So people are looking at her thinking, perhaps, it's time for her to win, because she's been nominated many times before and Natalie is young in comparison.
But since I don't have Annette's exact time of birth (I do with Natalie) I can't be sure. However if you are making a bet or are in an office pool, pick Annette. She's your best bet.