I've been an astrologer for 19 years and I've never seen a chart like Michael Jackson's. To say this was a tortured soul is a total under-estimate of the pain that he suffered.
His chart took off in 1974 with Jupiter moving out of the sign it was in when he was born. That allowed Jupiter to make new aspects (most of us will never experience this). And his was one of the all time best -- similar to the one President Obama is experiencing. Jackson's progressed Jupiter (luck, money) sextiled (good) his Pluto (power). He had it all. The world was at his feet -- talent, luck, good looks, charm -- all of it. And because Jupiter is such a slow moving planet it lasted and lasted -- until it stopped -- in 1986.
Most people would just move into a minor aspect or maybe no aspects at all, but Michael Jackson went from the highest high to the lowest low with no break in between. He had a progressed Mars square. His next album would be called "Bad." And his life was bad. Everything he tried to do went terribly wrong, and he didn't know why. He didn't deserve it. It was just the same as when everything went right. It just was. There was nothing he could do about it.
Some astrologers think that you make these deals before you come to earth which is to say Michael agreed to have the good years, but had to pay with the bad ones --that reincarnation is actually sort of a bargain you strike. Ironically, his religion doesn't believe in any of this. And it may not be true. No one knows.
What we do know is Michael Jackson became a tortured soul because of a very, very unusual occurrence in his chart. Mars went forward and backward (we call it retrograde) creating 17 years of hell on earth.
Because Michael loved children, he found solace with them. The adult world was very painful to him. He retreated and isolated. He tried to be sensational, but that backfired -- like everything did, except his love of all things that reminded him of the good times, his childhood.
Did he die of pain that was not going to end for many more years to come? We'll never know. But we do know he put up a good fight. Did he do things he will be ashamed of in heaven? We don't know that either.
What we know is that Michael Jackson is just about as unique a person as we will ever experience in our lifetimes. Because of that, he will never be forgotten. And he would want us to know that fame is not worth the price he paid for it.
For a private consultation, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter.