I, for one, am not at all surprised that famous people cheat. Actually, a lot of people cheat and then add to that availability -- cheating will happen. As far as I'm concerned Tiger shouldn't have married until he got this all out of his system. But, that's where being famous comes in again -- the entitlement thing.
What's much more interesting is that he apparently cheats only with white women. Natal Jupiter (his public image) squares his Sun (himself). So how he wants the public to view him is warped. Squares warp energy. He has a very high opinion of himself (focal planet the Sun). While he is in a position to set an example to young men of his culture, he's not thinking about that. He's thinking about the public in general -- about how he will be perceived by everyone. So in his mind, he thinks, to get the most praise, he would have to be married to a white women. Wrong, but that's how his brain works.
He actually is not appealing to his own needs. He ignores that in favor of ego stroking. Because of this, I find him generally, unappealing. I look at him and I wouldn't want to be him. He's actually not happy. You can't be happy if you spend your life looking good for someone else. And selfish people all end up unhappy. Because in the end, it 's about the people that love you. No one really loves selfish people, because they are so busy loving themselves. And eventually that wins out.
Lying (natal Moon conjunct Neptune) is another trait that distances you from humanity. By lying, you are telling people they do not (in your opinion) deserve the truth. How insulting is that? Many, many people have lying in their astrology charts. And it's much more detrimental to them than they realize.
Don't worry about Tiger. He wouldn't want that. He wants your admiration. And for now, he will continue to get it. Tiger's progressed Mars is sextile his natal Jupiter. So the fame, the money, the winning continues. But a warning: Don't be one of the sheep. Make your own decisions about who you will admire. Look deep into the person -- not the superficial outer stuff.
Correction: I miss calculated Tiger's Jupiter progression. It's actually a year from now. So while his chart is not in any extreme difficulty, it's a lot less positive than I thought. One year from now, and he'll be back in the limelight. And let's not forget that Pluto has moved to his sign. So overall, this could be an awakening for Tiger and allow him to re-evaluate his life.