Astrologically speaking Paula could have a better chart. She has progressed Venus square her Natal Sun. So she has the mandatory negative progression for something to go wrong. However this progression happens to most people around a certain age because your natal Venus is never very far from your natal Sun which then moves forward in a progression and becomes your progressed Sun -- that now can make aspects to your natal chart. The definition has more to do with your social life than your career.
Also she has two progressed inconjuncts which mean compromise.
My interpretation of this chart is that unless she is willing to take the money they are offering her which is less than she is worth, she will leave the show.
Since I do so many charts that are black and white, I wanted to show a chart that could go either way. This is the chart most of us have most of the time. Our free will determines the outcome.
Professionally speaking, I'm going with her leaving "Idol" and doing a show of her own which will work, but not all that well. The only reason I see Paula continuing is that she is extremely worried about her age and the entertainment industry's obsession with youth. She has been taken advantage of by "Idol" because people with Libra rising do not like confrontations.
UPDATE: Paula left "American Idol."