Are you wondering if the prince will marry a common girl? Why would he? So many choices. And why this girl?
Harry is a Virgo Sun/Mercury. His Mars is in Sagittarius so he likes all things exotic. He likes other countries and religions. His Venus is in its rulership in the sign of Libra so it works well there. And his Moon is in the exalted sign of Taurus. So far he's pretty perfect, but, oh, he has Capricorn rising. All the negative signs rising are a little more difficult than the positive (fire, air) ones. But Capricorn is its own little form of hell. There is a lot of insecurity in his makeup. He desperately needs to be needed. There is a sense of rejection from birth -- of being unwanted by one or both his parents. His life is based around these feelings of not fitting in. So early on, he made a decision that his life only works if he is in control. All this, and still, he is destined for something important as Capricorn rules the 10th House of Career. In Harry's 9th House of Foreign Countries is his Venus (women he will love), Pluto (where he finds his control) and Saturn (ambition).
Meghan Markle is a Leo Sun/Mercury. Her Mars is in Cancer. And her Venus is in Virgo, Harry's Sun/Mercury. So that's a connection -- a good one. Her Moon is in Libra conjunct Pluto which makes that Moon also Scorpio because sitting beside a planet gives it those qualities. And Scorpio is one screwed-up Moon in its fall. Her Moon also conjunct Jupiter giving it outspoken Sagittarius qualities, and conjunct Capricorn where you have the other difficult debilitated Moon. So while Meghan looks like a simple girl, she is not. She's complicated and once everything settles down, difficult. However Meghan's Libra Moon/Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn conjuncts Harry's Venus -- another good and strong connection and likely the reason they are together. Although all that Libra squares Harry's Capricorn rising -- a rub that won't show for a time, but can cause trouble later on. How much? It's an individual thing how one handles their chart. Two people won't handle it the same. And Libra in general doesn't like confrontation. Their connection could be so strong -- they could work on their bond -- and this will be minor. However, just the opposite can happen. If they don't work on it, it could take them further and further apart.
Harry and Meghan have complicated charts together -- a lot going right and a lot going wrong. These tend to be very passionate relationships. And Harry hasn't experienced the insecurity this girl can put him through. However, right now they are perfect since Megan has predictive Mars sextile natal Jupiter and Harry had predictive Mars conjunct Jupiter with no negative aspect replacing it and predictive Mercury sextile Neptune on it's way to sextiling natal Jupiter. I predict they will marry. It's not that often that both people are in Jupiter. It will be one of the best times in their lives. Right now, it's magic. They don't have to come down to earth for a quite awhile.
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