Patrick Swayze died September 14, 2009 after a battle with cancer which started in January of 2008. Given only months to live, he did what he said he was going to do -- live longer than expected. His chart was such he could have died then. Pluto which was at zero degrees then and is at zero degrees now, too, thanks to a retrograde.
It is my experience that people can keep themselves alive beyond the time the universe has chosen for the finale. But it's always at a price, a steep price.
I, personally, don't believe in this concept of fighting death. When I hear people applaud him for doing this, I wonder about this spiritually. Death is a natural cycle of life, and, yes, even early deaths. Death should be treated with the respect it deserves -- the end of the time that you spend on the material plane.
Upon passing, Swayze had many negative aspects. But, we must remember the choices we make count, too. Abusing drugs and cigarettes as Swayze did (12th House Sun/Pisces' House) harms your immune system. These decisions may have contributed to his life ending early.
He had progressed Sun conjunct Neptune. Progressed Sun square progressed Uranus. Progressed Venus opposition progressed Jupiter, and the one that is mandatory for someone to die, transiting Pluto (death making any negative aspect) conjunct progressed Mars. Bad aspects, even the ones with potential death, don't mean you have to die.
We're all heading toward that next bad cycle. Take care of yourself now, and don't spend time with regret later or having to fight to keep the life that's rightfully yours.