Five years ago. Yes, I made the prediction in 2010 that Jennifer Aniston would get married to Justin Theroux -- finally. There's been talk of it forever and the rumor in Hollywood is that the hold-up is the pre-nup...
Here's what I wrote March 23, 2010: "Will she get married again? One time in your life when you will find someone you like enough to marry is when your progressed Sun conjuncts your Venus or vice versa. For Jennifer Aniston that will be Christmas 2013. Right now she has her progressed Sun opposition her Jupiter, so before she gets there, she has to get past a time when her popularity could take a hit. And her progressed Venus (love) is conjunct her progressed Saturn (restrictions) — so note to the tabloids, probably not going to happen now."
So guess what? She still has her progressed/predictive Sun conjunct her natal Venus. The Sun is the only planet that moves at a given rate of speed and that is two years. So she just slid in under the two year rule. I predicted December 2013. She got married August 2015. Most people will act early into the aspect. But if there are obstacles, well, that's what is meant by free will. She should have gotten married earlier but she chose to wait. And still she did it within the predicted time period. Good for her. Because if you are reluctant to marry, this time should push you to do it. And it also guarantees a certain amount of success, because you're playing by the rules of the Universe. Congratulations!
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