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From CNN: "A 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook northeastern Japan on Wednesday [March 14, 2012], according to the U.S. Geological Survey. This temblor comes three days after the one-year anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands in Japan, and triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis in a quarter century."
Here's my post from a year ago, March 11 2011, when I made this prediction:
"If I have Japan’s correct chart, there’s more bad news coming. Most likely the destruction is not over.
Japan sustained today the worst tsunami/earthquake since record keeping began in the 1800′s at 8.9. The important thing for me and other people living in earthquake zones is what in astrology shows the possibility of an earthquake.
The most obvious thing would be a progressed Mars aspect since Mars is the most violent of the progressed planets.
I looked at the Wikipedia for the date of Japan’s birth and tried using the current constitution. But I wasn’t convinced that was the chart. Progressed Mars was siting exactly on the natal nodes of that chart. Does rewriting the constitution cause a new birth? I thought so, but I’m open to comments. I can’t use February 11, 660 B.C., because my computer won’t compute that date. Looking around I found on ASTROLOGY WEEKLY the date Feburary 11, 1889. This looks like the right chart, but I don’t know where this date came from.
Using this chart, the 1889 one, progressed Mars is conjunct the Sun. They are both at 22/23 Gemini, an air sign. That’s what I would expect to see. Progressed Mercury is also opposition natal Jupiter. This is the same Jupiter that transiting Pluto is conjunct — necessary for death to occur. Also Mercury is in Cancer, a water sign and Jupiter is in Capricorn, an earth sign. Water is the tsunami and earth the earthquake. I remember when we had the last big one in California. Everyone was looking for earth in the chart. It could also have taken place in an earth house, but without the time we don’t have houses. Mercury is communications which, of course, are a problem. Jupiter is money. Its being estimated, this will cost $10 billion. And it looks like it will be relatively low in deaths since the people were warned it was coming. So it’s thrust may be in the economics and a lot of legal wrangling which Jupiter also rules.
And let’s not forget that today is the day that transiting Uranus changes signs from Pisces to Aries where it squares transiting Pluto. This could easily be the trigger — even though technically it is still in Pisces when you run the chart for the official time of the tsunami.
Most shocking, if this is the correct chart, is that these two conjunct planets Mars and the Sun are on their way to squaring the natal Mars in Pisces. Now that’s just scary! That would be progressed Mars square Mars. I can’t think of a more violent aspect. That could completely destroy Japan’s economy. And that would affect the world’s economy. And it’s only a year away. You might want to get your money out of the Japanese yen.
Before I go on, I’m going to look further to confirm this chart as Japan’s. Your help would be appreciated. Check out my tweet for today — which was written weeks in advance.
UPDATE#1: For you scholars of astrology, what follows should be vastly interesting. I continued my research on the real Japanese constitution and here’s what I found. The one that was adopted in 1947, “It was decided that in adopting the new document the Meiji Constitution would not be violated, but rather legal continuity would be maintained. Thus the 1947 constitution was adopted as an amendment to the Meiji Constitution [of 1889] in accordance with the provisions of Article 73 of that document.” In other words, it is not a new constitution but a continuation of the old one — therefore no new birthday. The revision simply came into effect on May 3, 1947.
What it is important to know is that you can use the chart to confirm itself. If the 5/3/47 chart had looked right to me (and even Astrodienst uses it) I would have quit there. But it didn’t look like the earthquake disaster I see today. Have I gotten your attention yet?
Some sites also use the date 11/29/1889 because that’s when the Meiji Constitution was effective. But it was promulgated (formally declared as in effect) on 2/11/1889 (probably to commemorate the February 11, 660 B.C. date).
I have the correct chart.
UPDATE#2: THE AUSTRALIAN noted today [10/14/11]: Strontium 90, a highly dangerous radioactive isotope, has reportedly been found atop an apartment building in Yokohama, fueling fears that fallout from the Fukushima disaster has affected the greater Tokyo area."
UPDATE#3: Xtrology prediction comes true. From CNN: "A 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook northeastern Japan on Wednesday [March 14, 2012], according to the U.S. Geological Survey. This temblor comes three days after the one-year anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands in Japan, and triggered the world's worst nuclear crisis in a quarter century."
UPDATE#4: April 12, 2012 from Infowars.com, "Diplomat Akio Matsumura is warning that the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan may ultimately turn into an event capable of extinguishing all life on Earth." "Akio Matsumura sent a letter United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on NO.4 reactor."