Xtrology blogged on January 24, 2010: "Barack Obama became president because he had a Jupiter progression, progressed Sun trine an out-of-sign progressed Jupiter. Doesn’t get any better than that. It lasted from March 2007 to March 2009, because the Sun is the only planet that moves exactly one degree a year.
As often happens, after a progression to progressed Jupiter, there will be the same progression to natal Jupiter (or vice versa). So Obama will get this progression back in September of 2010.
I’m looking forward to something big happening. But what?
How did I reach this conclusion? There’s a lot of Libra going on. Obama’s progressed Sun, the United States natal Jupiter in Libra’s House (the 7th), and Libra is the diplomat. Then his progressed Jupiter in the 12th (hidden enemies or weapons) in Aquarius (humanitarian and anything nuclear). And we have Pisces and Cancer (two water signs, compassion). Money or Things We Value figure in with transiting Jupiter in Obama’s 2nd and Obama’s progressed Sun in the 8th. And don’t forget, we’re a Cancer country, so we value our family and our homes i.e. protecting them. Communications is highlighted with the U.S. Sun in the 3rd. A transiting Uranus conjunction to Jupiter for the United States could be something sudden or nuclear. And don’t forget, it’s going to be a good thing."
I don't know about you, but I was shocked when I heard The Presidential Address tonight. President Obama said, "...American combat mission has ended." Operation Iraqi Freedom has ended!!! And Xtrology predicted it, sort of. On July 25th, 2010, Xtrology wrote: "On September 1, 2010, President Obama will have a Jupiter progression, his progressed Sun moves to 0 degrees of Libra to trine his natal 0 degree Aquarius Jupiter." Xtrology predicted Obama would make a splash on the international scene, and it would begin September 1st. It must be the 1st somewhere in the world (actually it's the 31st of August tonight).
Let me make another prediction while we're on the subject: There will be more good news from President Obama. This is the beginning of a two year progression. As Americans, we have every reason to be optimistic about our future. If you are one of the people with economic issues, fasten your seatbelt, okay, keep it loosely closed, you're going to see much more than this. But you have to admit, the nature of the news (end of a war?) was quite a surprise (Uranus).
Xtrology is not psychic. An astrology prediction can only know the nature of the energy surrounding the issue. Actually, I was guessing Kim Il Jung of North Korea would croak. But this is just as good. Our men and women are coming home! It's a happy day.
UPDATE: This morning, 9/9/10, President Obama said on GOOD MORNING AMERICA "...involved in two wars." I thought the war in Iraq was over?