Patti Stanger of Millionaire Matchmaker said on The Wendy Williams Show that she doesn't like John Mayer, especially after his Playboy interview where he was quite outspoken. Well, Patti, John Mayer has the same tell-it-like-it-is Moon that you have, Sagittarius. You can't keep these people from saying what they think. If it's in their heads, it's on their lips. So is it the kettle calling the pot black?
John is a Libra, known for charm. Underneath it all, I don't think he is a bad guy. However, his truth isn't always The Truth since his Moon sits exactly next to Neptune (that planet that distorts perception). So while he is pouring his heart out, keep in mind, it's his reality. John currently has his progressed Sun trine Mars so he will survive the interview quite nicely.
Patti Stanger is a Gemini. And many Gemini's have been know to stretch the truth a bit. And Ms. Stanger also has fixed Neptune as a focal planet. This makes her sensitive in a way that she can distort the perception of a situation to accommodate her delicate ego structure. These individuals also tend to avoid self analysis as deep down they are lonely souls. Anyone who tells a woman if she can get extensions by tomorrow -- men according to Patti don't like short hair -- definitely lives in her own universe.
Patti just got engaged and was a little defensive when asked why she wasn't married. Check this out. Her progressed Sun (herself) is square (bad) Venus (love). And her progressed Mars (the disruptive planet) is square progressed Venus. That's two negative progressions to love. I predict this relationship is on a rocky road. It could be Patti's defensive nature to be an example of the product she is selling or it could just not be workable at this time. Do not, I repeat, do not get married on a progressed Venus square -- or two!
On the Wendy show, Patti went on to give her idea of the perfect couple: Kate Hudson and Jake Gyllenhaal. Xtrology disagrees. Kate, as I've mentioned before is quite the handful. She's an Aries with six focal planets. Once you go over four, the person becomes almost unexplainable, because they are so bombarded with external data, they don't know who they are themselves. Relationships with people like this are the things nightmares are made of. Add to that a Capricorn Moon (in it's fall).
Jake has four Sagittarius planets, Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune. His Moon is in Gemini -- all positive masculine planets and no focal planets. He's a fairly simple guy. Positive masculine planets are somewhat superficial. They would rather not look too deep. The thing these two have in common is that they are both in positive Jupiter cycles. They could have some fun together, but Jake would never be able to comprehend all Kate's internal machinations.
I like Patti's advice on dating. Remember, she's a Gemini. She's a salesman. But do you want to spend $25,000 to $50,000 for a Millionaire Matchmaker hookup when you can go to a good astrologer? The astrologer will have a better chance to find the person who understands you. And isn't that what it's really all about? And with the money left over, you can have a great honeymoon or put a down payment on a house.
UPDATE: Patti is moving her show to New York. Moves are always bad when you have negative progressions.
UPDATE2: Patti's own astrologer is cautioning her about her upcoming nuptials.