Again, you want the real story, come to Xtrology. March 17th, "Because Sandra is who she is (and I don’t mean a movie star), I predict she’ll overlook this. She’s fixed and semi-crazy and changing right now when she’s sucking up all the limelight, I don’t see it fitting into her life plan. And she’s not totally innocent, and she may actually get that. This is not a guy one can leave alone for months at a time. I predict she’s not ready to give up yet."
So today it was announced that Sandra is taking Jesse back. No news to Xtrology readers. We know what's going to happen before it happens -- before Radar Online or Perez Hilton.
March 19th, "Jesse’s chart tanked and he got caught. Sandra is having a positive Juptier progression and can do no wrong. The truth is in the middle."
The media, per usual, makes one person the victim and the other person the victimizer. And lately, the media just isn't getting anything right. And the sheep are following and agreeing with everything they are told to believe. Sandra isn't now and never was America's Sweetheart. That's just publicity. Sandra pays people to print that stuff about her. A good publicist can make most people believe anything.
I'm very happy to see these two back together. I think they make a lovely couple. And Sandra's child deserves his father.