I fell in love with Sharon Osbourne on the reality show, THE OSBOURNES. But since then, after her failed talk show and her lack of loyalty to her fellow THE TALK panelists, after her daughter's admission that she wanted to die and her son's diagnosis of MS with possible drug implications, I wondered. But today she renewed my admiration when, instead of the usual letting an answer stand, Sharon, said, essentially, that's bullshit and you know how I feel about that. I'm all over it. The truth hurts, but it also sets you free. Sharon didn't actually say it, but she made it clear that Reille Hunter AKA Lisa Jo was dodging all responsibility for the destruction of John Edwards' career and family.
Reille Hunter is the most annoying human being alive. Gemini is a sign I always have issues with. They tend to lie. Being the opposite sign on the zodiac wheel, Sagittarius (0pposites have opposite behavior), I dislike lying. I would. I understand why a person changes their name -- if it is hideous. But what's wrong with Lisa? Unless you don't want to be who you are -- which means authentic. Unless you have visions of grandeur that a mere Lisa couldn't attain. But at what price?
Reille has the two worst natal aspects (always check for detriment or fall. See astrology lessons) -- Mars in Libra (passive/aggressive) and Moon conjunct Saturn (see my blog "Moon in Capricorn"). Mars in Libra people are unhappy by nature. Their motto is "I'm miserable so you must be miserable, too." The passive nature lends itself, to "Me? It wasn't my fault" which makes them incredibly dangerous. She also has Libra rising -- sending her further down the sneaky/vengeful scale.
Sharon Osbourne, a Libra herself, has Sagittarius rising and a Sagittarius Mars -- perfect for telling it like it is and getting away with it -- due to Libra's natural charm. And with Pluto as her focal planet, she's all about the right and wrong of it. Someone, please, give her a show where she interviews -- not a talk show -- she can't shut up - a probing -- oh-no-you-didn't show. Let her do what she does best -- ask the hard questions that most media people are afraid to ask. Not Sharon.
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