You Racist Pigs! A $45 Million Dollar Wedding Was Not Enough?
Harry and Meghan are Entitlement on Steroids
Harry and Meghan were married in the most viewed wedding of all time! A $45 million extravaganza with movie stars and lights and cameras. A horse drawn carriage. St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. The entire world watching. Clearly the Monarchy is racist. Because of what… what… what? They ignored her thoughts of killing herself? Suicidal because why… why… why? She married a prince. She was every little girl’s fantasy.
This is like winning the Academy Award and wondering why every part after that isn’t offered to you. Live in the real world. You have your moment and then you go back to the grind of work. You know who I hate? People with no gratitude. Aren’t Meghan and Harry the definition of entitlement? Everyday in their world a red carpet should be rolled out for them. Entitlement on steroids. Nobody has the ideal family. But if you’re Meghan, just discard them. They’re not perfect? Toss them out.
To recap former blogs, Meghan has two of the biggest red flags you can have in Xtrology. She has a Capricorn Moon and she has a Scorpio Moon. The way it works is that planets have signs they like to be in, because they are compatible with the planet’s qualities. And they have signs they don’t like to be in, because they are incompatible with planet’s qualities. The Moon doesn’t like being in Capricorn or Scorpio. These signs are too harsh for the gentle Moon. People that have those Moon signs, have an emotional make-up that is, well, fingernails on a chalkboard.
Harry has an exalted Moon in the sign of Taurus — meaning that he can bounce back from distress with a reasonable amount of emotion. Just enough. Not too much. So it is much harder to understand what exactly he is getting out of the relationship he purposely picked. He not only wanted a woman who could be haughty and insulting, he insisted on it. She is doing his bidding. He encourages her tantrums. And while being black was something she could easily ignore and definitely did while she was acting — as it didn’t serve any purpose — it now is everything. It now consumes both of them.
Harry wants to attack the Monarchy. He made the determination while he was in Jupiter that this was their weakest point — the history of colonization. And no doubt he’s right. No doubt shedding a light on this is a good idea going forward. But does anyone really think that is the reason for his anger? What could it be that makes Harry feel like the black sheep of his family — that makes Harry feel like he is being trivialized?
Why didn’t Harry and Meghan go to Africa and take a stand there? If this is all about racism, why not set up camp somewhere you can make a real difference. Why not fix the kingdom from the inside out. You don’t go to the media and whine like a little bitch and think that is going to produce results.
So for me, this isn’t about black versus white at all. This is an entirely different subject. And very much lumped in with Diana and her unrealistic desire to force her husband to love her when she married him knowing he was in love with someone else. I am really starting to take a look at bloodlines. And Harry and Diana do seem to be cut from the same cloth — childish, attention seeking and vengeful without any consideration for the outcome. Not things you associate with royalty. And let’s not forget that Diana thought that the true fuck you was to marry a Muslim. Didn’t Harry do that exact same thing? And isn’t that racism at its finest?
Does Harry love Megan or does he love what she stands for? Is it more important for him to be right than happy? I have looked at Harry’s chart so many times now and nothing explains his level of hatred for his family. It’s all kinda there — him being drawn to inferior types, not knowing what is good for him, the loss of a depressed parent, picking someone he doesn’t love out of fear of abandonment. But nothing about the need to destroy his heritage. Unless it isn’t his heritage and he identifies with his commoner mother who was also out to destroy them.
What I do find in Harry’s natal chart is Sun square Neptune which indicates what Harry believed was true in childhood, wasn’t. And consequently as an adult, he has a very shaky foundation as to who he is. Harry was lied to. When a child is deceived, he begins to doubt himself. It’s a form of gaslighting. His ability to make decisions in the future are hampered because his concept of reality is fuzzy. Or reality becomes not important. He makes up reality as he goes along.
I do not see any indication that Meghan was not welcomed into The Firm. Just the opposite. Within their ability to do so, and, yes, maybe they aren’t the most generous people in this regard, she was accepted — as much as anyone else would have been. The situation we see now is blown all out of proportion. And worst of all, it won’t produce any of the desired results. You can’t destroy an institution of this magnitude with vague accusations. It really looks like Harry is saying to the king, are you really my family? How far can I push you? How much do you love me? He’s not the first rich kid to come up with this plan.
Harry currently has his predictive Venus square Mercury — the definition of which is a relationship will destroy his reputation. And predictive Sun conjunct natal Pluto! Pluto can awaken secrets and deep seated desires. This is a very profound aspect. In a year, he goes back into Jupiter so the question is how much damage will he do to the family he’s protecting before that happens??? Will he figure out a way to make money in the US? Likely the money he is receiving now is highly overrated and his expenses are vast. The other possibility is when his fortune and his confidence return and after getting a taste of Hollywood — which underneath the glitter is built on hard work and talent, he bails on his wife and his illusions about what constitutes stardom — there is always an audience for a train wreck.
Meghan has predictive Sun square Neptune so she is in a situation where she is being persuaded to do things against her own interest and that she doesn’t understand the consequences of. She made a strategic mistake when she didn’t act as peacemaker, because of her Scorpio/Capricorn nature to destroy. Remember the frog? Never go up against your partner’s family if you want to survive. You’re so much more expendable than they are. He can get another wife. Family is forever.
Bottom line: Don’t lie to children. They are setting up the foundation of who they will become. An adult that can’t deal with reality because they don’t know what reality looks like is a sad sight. They remain children on some level and they just can’t grasp their place in the world. They stomp and have tantrums and entertain us. But inside they are bleeding and begging to be heard without knowing what it is that they are trying so hard to say…
…what was wrong with the truth?
The first episode of Netflix’s Harry and Megan: They Royals in Crisis will air on December 8th.
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