I've wanted to do this for a long time. Even my super-smart clients get information wrong. And unless you want to take 20 years out of your life to learn astrology, you will, too. So much is written that doesn't work. And astrologers just repeat misinformation over and over. In creating, Xtrology, my exclusive method of prediction, I noticed how many old and worn out concepts still are floating around. So I'm going to offer you a free astrology class.
My clients, and maybe you, like to know their transits. You'll get valuable information on love, money, your work, your family. It's too big a job to pay an astrologer to do. The planets in the sky move constantly. It's also fun. And it's relatively easy. This is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of Xtrology, a unique system of astrology, that the big sites don't have. They're going to waste your time with the unimportant stuff. We're going to cut right through it.
First we'll look at your birth chart -- to understand the planets and houses. And then we'll place the transiting planets in your natal chart so you can see how astrology works. I'll give you all the basic tools to read your own chart. On this site "Astrology Lessons." I have lists of the astrological data. You don't have to buy any books. You don't even have to memorize anything. You can always just look it up as most of us did at one time. It's a lot in the beginning. Anything you don't understand -- that doesn't make sense -- that's what I will be there for.
Shoot me (melanie@xtrology.com) an email to let me know if you are interested. The first lesson is free. We can do it in 10 lessons for $10 each payable by PayPal with a 20% discount for those that pay upfront. If you miss a lesson, it will be archived.The start date is tentatively October 9th. It will be a conference call on your phone (no computer needed) with an access code @ 7:00pm PDT. It will last 1-2 hours or until we finish.
This isn't for everyone. But if it's just that astrology confuses you, this is for you. I'll answer any of your questions.
When we get enough people to start, I will need your date, time and place of your birth -- if you want the group to discuss your chart. I'll send you back the access code and how to get your free chart. If you would like only to participate in the free lesson, please do. No obligation.