A Reblog from 2/14/22
Here's a true story for all of you who don't believe Mr./Ms. Right will ever show up. My cat, Munster, loved, loved, loved the girls. He hit on every cat that came into our home. He started with my long time cat, Esmeralda. No, she wasn't interested. He tried Samantha, who came through an open window for a brief visit. And Endora, a cat I rescued from a crack addicted friend. He wanted a girlfriend so badly. But he was now an indoor cat with no claws. He was never going out again.
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One day at work, a co-worker asked me if I could take a kitten for the weekend. He had dogs and the people that were supposed to take her couldn't. So I said yes. Sure. The weekend. I was familiar with this cat because I was also asked to take one of the kittens in the litter — a little black and white kitten. But I was adamant that three cats were enough for me. So cute. But I said, "No." If I were to take any one of the cats, it would be the little black runt of the litter.
The cat I brought home to cat sit was the little black cat. She was so tiny that that night I wouldn't let any of the cats near her. But the next morning, Munster fell in love. And, much to my surprise, so did the little piece of fluff. They were inseparable. They were a couple. But to stay, she had to have the permission of my grumpy, old, Persian girl. Good luck. You have two days. No reason to worry. Esmeralda didn't like anyone.
I named her Tabitha. She was Munster's companion until the day he died.
So moral of this story. You can be a cat locked in an apartment, and still attract the love of your life. Whoever you are, whatever you look like, whatever your circumstances are, you can attract a partner. It won't be your timing. It will be when the Universe sees fit. But never, ever imagine there isn't someone out there for you. You are unique. It takes a moment to find you your perfect partner.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY from Melanie. Esmeralda, Endora, Munster and Tabitha have all passed on. But I believe there is another little ball of fur out there just meant for me. And maybe a partner, too. When I let down all my defenses and allow the Universe to send that person to me.
For a private consultation, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. Or text at 323 640-8660. And please also visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter. On Instagram, it's xtrology_of_hollywood. Your comments and questions are welcome.
Epilogue: Tabitha was taken from her mother a little too early — before six weeks. So she was always a little feral. For fourteen years, every time I picked her up, she tried to squirm and get away. Every time I tried to kiss her, she turned her cheek.
Nevertheless, she was the smartest cat I ever knew. I could talk to her. We communicated a lot. And she would walk by me and brush up against me. But the only time she ever slept next to me was the night Munster died. She pressed her little body so hard into mine I thought we might be connecting.
And though Munster and I shared a special indescribable bond, Tabitha only had one love — a beautiful soul that trusted so completely and unconditionally he kept attracting everything he ever wanted. He died quietly a week after he stopped eating at the age of 18. At home. After Tabitha and I said good night and good-by to him and went to sleep knowing he would be crossing The Rainbow Bridge.
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