You Have This Person In Your Life. And They Are Driving You Crazy...
Let’s talk ADHD. Because you have it or someone you know has it. Texting, selfies, social media all drive people leaning into Adult ADHD into full blown ADHD. The hyperfocus on yourself? ADHD people don’t need any encouragement. Not leaving the house — otherwise called “working at home” — is important even mandatory for this new genre of workers, because the goal is how to make it about you. At home you can, file your nails, do some laundry, and pop a few pimples. The day and everything in it should be about you, you, you. Work is what you do in between.
So your day begins. You’re good at your job and know exactly what to do. You’re excited about the possibilities. And then your thoughts wander. Normal people finish what they start but ADHD people have an aversion to endings so they think, I need a cup of coffee. Here is the all important reason. It’s anxiety. It’s not about coffee. It’s about this underlying feeling that you are not comfortable in your own skin. Coffee will will help you focus. You think. You hope. But it then it is clear it has to be the perfect cup of coffee. So you have to go out to get it. In any case, your concentration has been disrupted. So now why not, as long as you’re out anyway, stop at the grocery store or wash the car? And, you know, if you get something for lunch now, you can keep working all day.
At home, you’re just going to take five minutes to eat. But you need to make a few phone calls, check the news, check the texts, check your emails. And at least one call will keep you on the phone for thirty minutes. And while you are trying to rationalize where the morning went, you find yourself wasting the afternoon. You finally start working and you rush because you’re so far behind where you intended to be. But still, why not just throw in a load of laundry which you will forget and it will mildew? Ten minutes. Right?
The work gets done. You live with this condition. You know it. So you know how to maintain an air of functionality. You’re really are talented and quite capable of bringing it, but you also know, like any addiction, it tends to get worse. And now you don’t like yourself. Because if you had not “wasted” the day, you would have a lot more done. Now you’re in criticism mode and the criticism seems endless.
Your ability to regulate faltered. And you don’t know how to get back on track. It’s easy to get further and further out on that limb. You might reach out to get motivated. Compete with your friends — make yourself look good to them by bragging: How you worked so hard and you’re so tired and you got so much done. Except you didn’t. What it is, is a shell game. You try to be the person, but when it doesn’t work, you try to think of a way to compensate— even if it employs a little bit of subterfuge. You’ll lie today, because you’re going to make up for it tomorrow. But friends grow tired and relationships get strained. Besides lying, nothing is getting done.
The real problem is that you are not fooling you. It’s the constant challenge of trying to be someone you’re not really capable of being. Because something is wrong. And you don’t want to admit that. Well, a couple of you will. If you’re still reading this, you’re looking for the answer.
I only recently noticed this behavior after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. And it’s not everyday, but it happens too often. They say it’s dopamine deficiency. And yet others, a thyroid disorder. That’s a thought I’ve had before. I left Missouri when I was 19, and I’m not kidding I moved to Los Angeles because I couldn’t stand the weather. Only people who don’t regulate temperature well will understand this. I recently had an experience where I was in a cold room and I was comfortable. I wasn’t cold despite the fact the room was. That seemed like an out-of-the body experience to me. I thought, do normal people adjust to hot and cold?
So it won’t surprise you when I tell you that fibromyalgia has something to do with body temp. Not much is known about it. It’s not studied much. Happens mostly to women who ironically are going to experience menopause and hot flashes. It also is linked to ADHD. Many people who have one, have the other, usually starting with ADHD. And believe me, you don’t want take it further into fibromyalgia. No need to add pain and fatigue.
Our trendy society with all the ability we have to communicate is only going to drive people who need constant stimulation crazier. ADHD craves excitement, but no one needs rest more. There is no quiet time now. And it’s really hard to live around these constantly buzzing people. They seem exciting, but have you noticed, you just feel drained? They suck the life out of you.
How to fix this? A tight schedule helps. Keep yourself focussed and busy. Nutrition has to be one of the biggest contributors. If anyone doesn’t need all the toxins in food right now, it’s the ADHD people. Exercise is also critical — anything that makes you feel strong and capable and sends oxygen through your body. And naturally occurring sleep. Also environmental hazards like 5-G, smog, and cleaning products. The recreational use of drugs and alcohol, while they may seem like they help, they don’t in the long run. Start there. Eliminating toxins will help. That’s guaranteed. For complete control, if that is even possible, we’re still waiting for answers.
This I know. Whatever keeps you on a roller coaster of emotions, up one second, down the next isn’t going to help. Social media is one of the worst contributors. So putting some restraints on that usage will lesson the severity. It’s difficult to straddle since ADHD people suffer from boredom. There is a constant need to be stimulated. How to be engaged and not trigger the other need — hyperfocus? I see it as avoidant behavior — making your world as small as possible to defend an overly sensitive emotional state. But hiding never fixed anything. Hiding. Not committing. Living your life texting. Do we need to start showing up? Is the remote lifestyle we’re now leading, is it contributing to ADHD, a crippling mental condition?
“A paltry 6% of the federal workforce “report in-person on a full-time basis” while almost one-third of federal workers are remote on a full-time basis…” a report from Sen. Joni Ernst’s office recently found.
Do you think that the pervasive lack of quality, the sloppy manner in which companies are being run, the emphasis on DEI instead of merit, the fact our cities are falling apart — that there are so many new homeless people on the street — has anything to do with the uptake in ADHD adults? Is it your emotional truth or are you/we slip sliding into complete mediocrity due to an untreated condition. Maybe this isn’t really funny, although I’m laughing, but I can imagine Taylor Swift on the spectrum. Is ADHD another of the things RFK Jr. will be taking a look at. Is it right up there with autism? And, gasp, could it be a result of childhood vaccines?
Astrologically, ADHD is the people with Moon problems. Capricorn and Scorpio Moons are the most difficult to deal with as the Moon doesn’t like being in signs that don’t match its lunar characteristics. Or it could be too many squares to the Moon. Or Saturn or Pluto conjunct the Moon. Also the Moon in the 10th House or in the 8th House. Maybe just the Moon as a focal planet. But start there. There are no definitive placements for mental issues — just aspects that don’t work well. You could have any one of the things above and not have ADHD. But still you might want to check this out before getting involved with these complicated people.
To have your own private reading, contact melanie@xtrology.com. But if you really want to get ahold of me, call/text 323 640-8660. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I blog the Moon’s aspects. Every. Single. Day. For Instagram, it’s xtrolgy_of_hollywood. And recently for TikTok, it’s Xtrology!
You comments and questions are welcome!
We can stop it 🖤🙏🏽🌿🌱