sandy hook was a false flag psyop. but that doesn't necessarily mean that nobody died there that day. and then, they heaped ANOTHER psyop on top of sandy hook, with the whole Alex Jones affair... I did a ton of research on sandy hook. like 911 or 10/7, it can be a FALSE Flag Operation, but people definitely died at the twin towers and inside the Gaza border fence- that much is True. ultimately, its not important whether or not little kids died or not at sandy hook- although I'm certainly sorry to the families if kids did actually die. I wasn't there, and it can be hard to know every detail for certain. again the much bigger issue was that it was still a false flag operation, whether kids actually died or not... they deleted quite a bit of info from the www about that sandy hook event, or at least made the important info much more difficult to access. it was a FLAGRANT false flag intelligence agency operation, like many others. thanks to mkultra and other covert gubbernmint programs, there are school shootings ready to go at the drop of a hat all over this country. of course theyre always good for turning public opinion against our gun rights which we should really cherish and defend, but on the day of sandy hook, the main reason for the shooting was as a distraction, to change the headlines on the front pages of the world from this : CIA CONVICTED of Torture and Sodomy in European Court... just imagine if that had been slathered all over our minds for a week instead of dead connecticutt kindergardeners. it was a time when there had been zero admission of USA "extrajudicial rendering" and black sites around the world where we tortured people. they needed some time to ultimately diffuse the whole scandal with a mere Senate Report nothing to see here case closed move along, next distraction oi veh. check the date for yourselves to fully understand this I always liked Alex Jones a long ago- he talked about a lot of important things that nobody else would talk about. I think he's probably a great patriot, but I don't know that much about him in detail. I just remember when he walked into the Bohemian Grove ceremony... hahaha. I'm glad you've given him a hopeful prognosis!
Hey, you may have a point. Thanks for sharing. I don't get notified when someone posts a comment??? So that explains that. What I got out of your rant, I hope you don't mind me calling it a rant, is that the school killings may have something to do with keeping guns out of the hands of the people. Guns are what keep up from having our own holocaust -- assuming you're not counting Covid which I am. Thanks for reading Xtrology!
sandy hook was a false flag psyop. but that doesn't necessarily mean that nobody died there that day. and then, they heaped ANOTHER psyop on top of sandy hook, with the whole Alex Jones affair... I did a ton of research on sandy hook. like 911 or 10/7, it can be a FALSE Flag Operation, but people definitely died at the twin towers and inside the Gaza border fence- that much is True. ultimately, its not important whether or not little kids died or not at sandy hook- although I'm certainly sorry to the families if kids did actually die. I wasn't there, and it can be hard to know every detail for certain. again the much bigger issue was that it was still a false flag operation, whether kids actually died or not... they deleted quite a bit of info from the www about that sandy hook event, or at least made the important info much more difficult to access. it was a FLAGRANT false flag intelligence agency operation, like many others. thanks to mkultra and other covert gubbernmint programs, there are school shootings ready to go at the drop of a hat all over this country. of course theyre always good for turning public opinion against our gun rights which we should really cherish and defend, but on the day of sandy hook, the main reason for the shooting was as a distraction, to change the headlines on the front pages of the world from this : CIA CONVICTED of Torture and Sodomy in European Court... just imagine if that had been slathered all over our minds for a week instead of dead connecticutt kindergardeners. it was a time when there had been zero admission of USA "extrajudicial rendering" and black sites around the world where we tortured people. they needed some time to ultimately diffuse the whole scandal with a mere Senate Report nothing to see here case closed move along, next distraction oi veh. check the date for yourselves to fully understand this I always liked Alex Jones a long ago- he talked about a lot of important things that nobody else would talk about. I think he's probably a great patriot, but I don't know that much about him in detail. I just remember when he walked into the Bohemian Grove ceremony... hahaha. I'm glad you've given him a hopeful prognosis!
Hey, you may have a point. Thanks for sharing. I don't get notified when someone posts a comment??? So that explains that. What I got out of your rant, I hope you don't mind me calling it a rant, is that the school killings may have something to do with keeping guns out of the hands of the people. Guns are what keep up from having our own holocaust -- assuming you're not counting Covid which I am. Thanks for reading Xtrology!