I wrote a blog in 2009 on Amanda Knox. I remember not being completely happy with it. But to get blogs out, you can't hassle them. You just have to put it out there. I'm including that blog at the end of this one for comparison. There is a huge error when I say that her Venus is sitting on her Mars. It is not. It will be -- a year after Meredith Kercher's death (and it will greatly add to the horror story this turned into), but was not in play the night of her death.
Netflix just did a documentary of Amanda's trial. It does seem to exonerate her. However she has some very strange aspects that fateful night. Her predictive Sun (herself) is square to Pluto (death). A death did occur and it's inconjunct to her Neptune (lying). The question always was did she kill Meredith. I have to admit, the media reports were so scandalous that I may have been influenced by them. I'm human. Because this chart, looking at it now, is really more about lying about a death than committing one. And that's tricky anyway. Astrology is not perfect. It demands interpretation. And as I said, I, first of all, made a mistake, and that mistake which included a negative aspect from Mars would be more about violence and would make my first conclusion more likely. So don't make mistakes.
Amanda is a Cancer Sun, and the information I didn't have then, is that she has Gemini rising. All rising signs bring out the worst qualities of the sign. And for Amanda that would be lying. It is interesting that she has a Sagittarius Moon which is quite forthright. So there is a dichotomy with her. She can be very truthful, but she can also lie when it suits her. What really appears to have happened is that she told too many versions of her story and it landed back on her. And with those aspects, she should not have said a thing. Her aspects were very negative. I tell this to my clients who ignore me all the time. When you have a dangerous chart like this, you can't play around. You must assume the worst can happen. It her case, it clearly did.
Blog from 12/11/2009: "Amanda Knox’s Sun is in Cancer, a sign associated with mood swings and sensitive feelings. Opposition that is Neptune, the planet of delusion. And when one planet squares both those planets, we have a focal planet. In her case, it is cardinal Jupiter, the cult follower. (In a T-square all the planets will be in the same modality.) The apex planet denotes a weakness of character or where a person can suspend judgment. Amanda was swept up in the drama of a situation that probably started as role playing and ended with her slitting the throat of another young woman while two young men assisted her. My guess is that there was no conscious intention to kill that girl. The evening took on a life of its own.
The negative elements of her chart were her progressed Venus sitting on her natal Mars. With Venus involved there was sexual tension. Also her progressed Mercury was on her natal Sun. Transiting Pluto, the death planet, had to also be involved, and it was conjunct her natal Moon and Uranus (the volatile planet).
One day, when people have their planetary forecast from birth to death, this type of situation might be avoided. Anyone with transiting Pluto on their natal Moon has no business playing these kinds of games. Add to that any negative progression involving Mars (violence) and the odds increase that a tragedy occurs."
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