While the media will be concentrating on Amy Weinhouse’s bad behavior, astrology tells a different story. Her Sun was in the sign of Virgo. There are no troubling focal planets. She did have a Mars/Venus conjunction which can make you confused about your sexuality. And also her Moon was in the difficult sign of Capricorn. But overall, she was very much like you and me — except, maybe, more talented. What happened to her was that at an early age, she got some scary astrological aspects.
Her Predictive Mars (I will be calling Secondary Progressions, Predictive, since I have always found that name confusing. Predictive astrology will be based on the day-for-a-year formula) made a nasty square to her natal Jupiter then Uranus (which are conjunct one degree apart). Mars squares are the most difficult thing you will experience. You won’t have many in an entire lifetime. Looking back at your most difficult experience, you probably had a Mars square. It was a time when you just couldn’t win. And then for Amy to have one planet aspected and then another. This began in 2004 not long after her 2003 debut album. So during most of her career, she felt unsupported by the Universe.
There are reasons we get these difficult aspects — to keep our feet on the ground — to give some balance to people out-of-control. I have actually thought that so-and-so needed a negative progression — you know those people that have no humility. This energy will bring you back down to earth. But, as in Amy’s case, it was too much humility too soon. She couldn’t process it. She did drugs to deal with it.
I believe with the help of astrology, Amy would still be alive. If you understand that this is a passing thing, it’s much easier to handle. In Amy’s case, it was longer than normal due to two plants traveling together and then aspecting two planets. So for those of you who wonder why I continue say that astrology is important to your life. This is why.