US WEEKLY has a cover on how Angelina is setting Brad up to destroy him. Funny. I was getting that same vibe. Not so much about destroying him but about getting total custody of the children since it's looking more and more that her goal is to move to England to work for the United Nations.
As I wrote in my blog last week, they both have really rough charts. Things weren't so happy at the Jolie-Pitt estate. But when couples stay together 30 years, stuff happens. You have to get through it. Although this was especially traumatic, and they both had it at the same time. However as I predicted prior, Brad has been misbehaving for a long time now. And, I believe, Angelina is over his bullshit. I'm certain that he knows exactly why she is choosing the scorched earth policy.
A Capricorn Moon man picks his woman so she can destroy him. I've thought more about that, and I think it's their driving ambition that leads them to do it. Capricorn rules ambition. And the Moon placed here is in its detriment so it works badly. The choices don't produce the right results. An ambitious woman will not put up with the bad behavior. Gets in her way.
It's being reported that Brad has anger issues. His Mars is in Capricorn also, but it's exalted there. Pluto squares his Sun, but trines his four Capricorn planets. It could be the drugs that are becoming a big part of this story. Or just his underlying meanness.
However, bottom line, Angie will get what she wants. That's the relationship he signed up for. Now he gets to believe that women really are bitches. It has nothing to do with him, of course. Angelina has a Moon/Mars conjunction in Aries. Right after Pluto, watch for Aries anger. She had an emotional mother (Moon) who acted on her feelings before she gave them any thought. That incident on the plane just tripped her switch.
I think Angie will calm down and these two people will co-parent effectively. It's possible they will get back together, but not if Brad is standing in her way of success. She will choose success over the relationship because she doesn't trust them. And really, you shouldn't. Once a relationship is over, it's over. Your career will last forever.
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