I had to look at the train wreck called Anthony Weiner who sent a sexually graphic tweet while his new bride was pregnant -- an act that caused him to resign from his Senate seat. And then a year later did it again -- at least once. He isn't just a guy who is over-sexed. Nope. Not the case at all. He has the dreadful Venus/Mars conjunction that I can't get my clients to take seriously. This is why you should. He's sending his wife a message. He isn't happy in this marriage.
Venus and Mars in the same sign cancel each other out. They don't kill your sexuality instead your desire to have a meaningful relationship. You want it one day. The next you don't. Add to that the fact that a conjunct planet will influence the planet next to it. This is a little hard to follow, but Venus is ruled by Libra so when it conjuncts Mars, it's the same thing as Mars actually being in Libra -- which is the passive/aggressive placement. You have to be Sherlock Holmes and read between the lines.
Anthony Weiner doesn't want to be married to this beautiful and accomplished woman. He's angry because in addition to a natal chart that sucks for matrimony, he currently has his predictive Mars on his natal Moon. He's acting out like a little kid. And despite doing well in the ratings as the next New York City mayor, his performance has been a bit lackluster. He's a Virgo with a stellium including Pluto Uranus and Mercury. His focal planet is a fixed Moon which means he's super-sensitive, but keeps it in. His real talent is his Jupiter (the relating planet) trining all his Virgo planets. He is a man of the people. Doesn't give a crap about the $3.3 million apartment loaned to him by people in high places. I don't know how this union came about, but something here is more political and practical than loving. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? His wife, Huma worked for Hillary Clinton. This is a little Hillary-ish.
With a negative Mars aspect and the ongoing humiliating publicity, public office should continue to elude him. But this marriage. Who knows?
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