After 2 1/2 years in Virgo, transiting Saturn will be moving to the sign of Libra on October 29, 2009. So what does this mean in the universe?
First, all Virgos natives should be very relieved to have this restrictive planet out of their sign, because when you have it, you feel it. In Virgo, which is already a serious sign, Saturn furthered the reserved, cautious, frugal qualities. As both Saturn (rules 10th House of Career) and Virgo (rules 6th House of Work) deal with your profession, anyone with Virgo planets (or Pisces, it's opposition, Gemini & Sagittarius, it's square) may have also felt the seriousness of Saturn in Virgo. So this change should be a relief.
Libra natives will now have to contend with Saturn in their sign. However, Saturn is exalted here so the effects generally are less dramatic. Saturn in Libra refines your tastes and you see beauty in a simple things. On the negative side, as Libra rules partnerships, you may find trouble through love -- sometimes resulting in losses. Others who will be affected by this change are Aries, it's opposite, Cancer and Capricorn, it's square.
And speaking of Capricorn, you may remember that Pluto is in early degrees. So Saturn moving to Libra will square (bad) Pluto. What does this mean in the heavens? Saturn is the taskmaster who tells us what lessons we have to learn. When it is in Libra, the lessons have to do with our concept of beauty. The bling thing is history. Don't waste your money on fancy things that will soon be considered bad taste. The square to Pluto (power) means that we have to stop kidding around. Wasting money, wasting resources, wasting time will be punishable, especially if you are one of the four signs mentioned in the paragraph above.
The universe is telling us to get it together or else you won't be one of the people that survives in this economy. If you have never been good with money or have taken your job lightly, now you will pay, unless you pull yourself together. All signs are pointing to more serious handling of things we value. And don't forget The United States is a Cancer country. With it's Sun at 12 degrees, it won't take long for a square to happen. Before the end of next year, Saturn will square The United States and Pluto will oppose.
We can still have fun, but only after we are responsible and reliable. No longer can we show up late to appointments, turn in shoddy work, treat our children as accessories or our partners as burdens, spend money on frivolous items and refuse to acknowledge the problems of others -- such as the health care crisis. Because if we do, we will suffer the consequences. The prediction is not dire if we rise to the occasion. Quite the contrary. Those that do, will thrive. Sorry, but the universe dictates, and we must follow.