Leah Remini and Holly Robinson Peete were unceremoniously dumped from THE TALK. Xtrology is here to prove it is always your astrology chart.
Julie Chen, wife of CBS honcho, Les Moonves, is in a positive predictive Jupiter period (based on the Xtrology day-for-a-year method) so what she wants she gets.
Leah Remini, Gemini, had predictive Mercury (communication) square (negative) Saturn (work) at the beginning and during most of her TALK stint. Uranus in her 1st house makes her explosive and unpredictable. They’re claiming she was legal liability. It’s actually the energy just wasn’t on her side.
Holly Robinson Peete, Virgo, has a grand square in her natal chart giving her six focal planets which lends itself to being a difficult personality. Her predictive Mars (anger, irritation) opposing Saturn. So again, just blame it on the aspects.
Sara Gilbert, Aquarius, with Venus placed there has a detached view regarding office politics. The only thing that gets her riled up is family due to Cancer rising. With predictive Venus (love, appreciation) square Saturn, she survived due the fact she developed the show. However, it didn’t save her relationship with longtime her longtime lover.
Sharon Osbourne, Libra, despite predictive Mars square Jupiter (money, the law) also remains and leaves us with her recent comment on HOWARD STERN, “the chemistry was weird.” Not very Libra of her since she added, “you can’t be something you’re not.” But trust that if anyone survives a holocaust, it will be diplomatic Libra — also known for what GENERATION X EXAMINER calls, “backstabbing.” During a negative period, it is best to keep your head down, so let’s see what the future holds.