Okay, I'm confused about this. What was I drinking/smoking? When I say Sun square Mars, it's actually conjunct. And it's Venus that conjuncts Mercury and opposes Saturn. I know. It was six years ago. I have no explanation. However the overall sentiment is the same. Bethenny Frankel is over. And really over because she doesn't know it and is acting out. This is why we have humility. And why we have negative events in our lives -- to bring us back to earth and keep our ego from spinning out-of-control. The meek (humble) will inherit the earth.
Below is my blog and the link will take you to the article in "The Daily Mail" about Bethenny and how her castmates are sick of her and a general synopsis of the meltdown. TheDailyMail
"You want to be Kim Kardashian, you want to be Katie Perry, but you don't want to be Bethenny Frankel. It looks pretty fabulous now. But have you ever had the experience of thinking that someone had it all (Farrah Fawcett) and finding out they didn't? Be careful what you ask for. I hear people on her daytime talk show, BETHENNY, saying they want to be her. No, you don't.
Bethenny is a Scorpio Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune -- really really Scorpio. Her Moon is in the sign of Capricorn. And her Mars is in the sign of Libra. 'nuf said.
Her recent cash infusion of $50 million dollars for her Skinny Margarita made the cover of FORBES magazine. It's unusual for someone who is not in a positive Jupiter to bring in this kind of cash. But she had a partner, and I can only surmise the he was responsible for the windfall. But it hasn't stopped her from taking all the credit and exploiting herself in every way possible including her reality show -- not that it's wrong, but really what does the future hold for people who expose their entire lives? Is there ever a backlash?
One possible answer is a lengthy period of negative aspects -- which for Bethenny starts in 2016 (age 46) and lasts until 2025 (age 55) with a short respite when her predictive Mars conjuncts Jupiter until mid-2028 (age 58) when her predictive Sun squares Mars (the worst of the predictive aspects -- it attacks anything that the ego depends on), predictive Sun square Uranus, Mars conjunct Mercury and Mars opposition Saturn. Whew! I've had more than my share of bad aspects, but never this many at once. But then, is Bethenny more spiritual than I was? Will she handle this better than I did? No one really knows, but the key is how much of her self worth is wrapped up in her fame and fortune. How much of this did she really earn? I was coming off a Jupiter period, and it felt like I hit a brick wall.
Sending good thoughts to Bethenny. Call me, Girl. Navigating this is going to be a bitch tough.
For private consultations, email melanie@xtrology.com."