I use an astrological formula developed by Xtrology to determine when or if a person will die. Unless this is in place, the event doesn't happen. There needs to be a negative secondary progression and a negative aspect from transiting Pluto. At the time of Osama Bin Laden's death, neither were in place.
Bin Laden is a Pisces with the natal Moon in Aquarius. This is very telling. Pisces bleed for the world and Aquarius want humanitarian reform. While sane people would not agree with his vision, he was passionate. His leadership qualities came from three planets in the 10th House of Career, Sun, Mercury and Saturn -- all in visionary Pisces. His Venus is in its rulership, Taurus. And Mars in, can be angry and violent, Scorpio. With Gemini rising, we know he is smart enough to pull it all off. And Neptune opposing his three Pisces planets -- lying is not a moral issue for him -- more like a way of life.
Prior to September 11, 2002, Bin Laden had enjoyed the spoils of a favorable Jupiter progression. His popularity was at an all time high. It was the perfect time to plan his assault on The West. However, after 9/11, his aspects were very negative. Some conspiracy theorists think this is the time he died. Using the Xtrology formula, the timing is right. He had progressed Mercury square the Moon and progressed Venus square Jupiter. And most important for a death to take place, transiting Pluto square Neptune. Another Jupiter progression follows that and then in 2007 his progressed Sun opposes Mars while progressed Venus (going forward from a retrograde) squares Jupiter. Transiting Pluto is now 27 degrees Sagittarius which squares his 24 degree Pisces Saturn. Another possible time for a death to occur.
On May 1st, however, there were no negative progressions, and transiting Pluto at 7 degrees Capricorn doesn't come close to opposing his natal Pluto at 26 degrees Cancer or conjuncting his natal Jupiter at 21 degrees. He has no Libra or Aries planets. This would make this time a very unlikely time to die. There are other possibilities like the birth date is wrong or my formula is wrong. But I stand by my formula. Using it Osama bin Laden didn't die on May 1, 2011.
UPDATE1: From, "The official narrative of how the raid unfolded completely collapsed within days of its announcement. First there had been a 40 minute shootout, then there was no shootout and just one man was armed, first Bin Laden was armed then he was not, first Bin Laden used his wife as a human shield and then he did not. First the compound was described as a “$1 million dollar mansion” then it turned out to be a rubbish-strewn dilapidated compound that was worth less than a quarter of that. Almost every single aspect of the official narrative has changed since Obama first described the raid last Sunday as the White House struggles to keep its story straight."