This is a powerful and personal article by you. I like it!

As for Lively and Baldoni, I will see what plays out in court. No clear picture of what happened due to the back and forth new lawsuits every week.

I've never seen two celebrities (of differing status true) feud in such public and vitriolic way.

It provides more drama and intrigue than their movie, which I did not see!

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Do you agree that it's a bad move to sue anyone in Hollywood? No one wants a litigious actor? Movie sets are such a hotbed of potential problems. On any movie, it could get ugly. I think actors know better than to go there. It might be career suicide for Blake Lively. Baldoni didn't start it, and I see him as fighting for his life. Although it wouldn't surprise me if he was a complete jerk on the set -- which I think some women have said...

Thank you for your comments. It's always great to hear from you!

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You too!

And you know better than I!

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