Everything You Think You Don't Like About Virgos And You're Right
Blake Lively is the ultimate real life mean girl with a huge dose of cringe. I sort of don’t get it about her. But I saw her once in a film and she was good — the Oliver Stone thing? She has a classy type of poise. But overall, what is the big deal? I never saw her in Gossip Girl. And I remember something about her thinking she is Martha Stewart.
Blake is a Virgo on steroids because her Sun/Mercury/Moon/Venus/Mars are all in Virgo. That’s all five of the personal planets. Very different from the generational planets that move so slowly that all the people in your age group have the same ones — most of the time. Personal means personal to you. Consequently all the characteristics of Virgo are within this one human being. Full disclosure: I’m Sadge which is square to Virgo. They make me nuts.
So what’s to like about Virgos? Let’s start with they are hard workers. If you’re hiring someone, pick a person with Virgo in the first five planets or the rising sign. They show up on time. Desks, always clean. They are organized problem solvers. I had a boyfriend with Virgo rising. I couldn’t lie to him. He remembered. Every. Single. Thing. I actually liked it. I’m not a liar anyway. And you don’t have to repeat yourself, because they are always listening. To. Every. Detail.
Blake has Leo rising so that brings some balance to her life and also explains her entré into the entertainment world.
What don’t I like? Virgos are judgmental, compulsively picky, perfectionistic, dictatorial. They’re just not fun. How can you be fun when you are the one telling everyone else how to act, how to be, how to live? Unless you’re someone just as mean-spirited, Parker Posey.
Sexually a Virgo can be the ice queen or the whore. It can go either way. They do like to be paid. Read that anyway you like, housewives.
Want a good laugh? Ryan Reynolds, Blake’s husband, has four planets: Sun/Moon/Mar/Uranus and his nodes in Scorpio. Overall, they work as well as two extreme people can and one with a Scorpio Moon. However his predictive Mars is currently sitting on his Neptune. Lying? And his love planet, Venus, just moved to Aquarius to square his Sun and Moon while sitting right on the transiting Pluto. That’s a guaranteed challenge for them to overcome.
Blake doesn’t have bad aspects even though the tabloids are saying she’s cancelled. So she’ll survive. Evidently she accused Justin Baldoni, her so-star in It Ends With Us, of kissing her too long? Another man with a Scorpio Moon. I can spot these guys a mile away. I saw him on The Talk and ran to my computer to look him up. It would appear that Blake can too. So I’m thinking sexual tension? More likely, he ignored her when she just had a baby and needed reinforcement.
There’s a rumor that she, with her equally ambitious husband, wants to direct the next offering from It Ends With Us. She’s a producer now. That could happen. Likely will. Scorpio Moon Justin, newish on the Hollywood scene, doesn’t understand the take-no-prisoners attitude of these two. Yet. Ryan graduated with honors from the Brad Pitt School of Charm. And still Scarlett Johansson kicked him to the corner.
Blake, stop saying the stuff you are saying out loud. You aren’t Sagittarius. You need to just STFU. If we’re mean, we’re mean/funny. Sarcastic. Never unkind. There’s a big difference between the positive and negative signs. She made a reporter cry because she said she had a baby bump when in fact the reporter was having trouble getting pregnant. She’s the catty, jealous, petty girl at school. She is superficially concentrating and yap yap yapping about flowery clothing and completely ignoring the serious content of her film. So whatever else she has going gets blasted into a puff of smoke. She will never completely recover. This is the stuff you make fun of behind closed doors with your girlfriends and hope no one ever knows you said it. From my point of view and many others, she cancelled herself with her bad manners. Martha Stewart she’s not.
Will Ryan hold this against her? A Scorpio? Not hold something against you?
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