Just FYI about men. If they have a pumped body over the age of seventy, they’re players. Especially if they are known womanizers. And especially if they are highly masculine men. The testosterone is flowing. Having watched my mother destroy a charmed life, I’m turning a blind eye. Men are different than women. They have a much higher sex drive. That’s not only a fact, but it’s a good thing. High testosterone means masculinity. It means you might also have a great sex life. And you have a man that isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. For me and honestly most women I know, that’s a turn on. European women are much more realistic. And it really does seem like it works better.
But there are exceptions. Big ones. It has to be private. And it can’t be with anyone in the woman’s social circle. The rumors surrounding JFK Jr. and Olivia Nuzzi, on suspension from New York Magazine, are that they were both talking about it. Big no to that. So disrespectful. And it also can’t be emotional cheating. She comes for an interview. A quickie. Realistically, this goes on all the time. Fairy tales are for children’s books.
Bobby is a Capricorn. And the big secret about Capricorns is how sexy they are. Yes, Scorpio is known for sexuality, but I know, because I have my Venus in Scorpio, conditions have to be just right. Scorpio is a water sign. They’re emotional. The lights have to be turned down, clean sheets on the bed. But Capricorn is an earth sign. The kitchen table is quite acceptable or the dirt — literally. They are much more the thrown-you-down types. I’ve seen a million movie scenes where the two people couldn’t wait to rip each other’s clothes off. Never. Ever. Happened to me. And not having been married, I’ve been around the block a few times.
I would much rather stop and go into the bedroom where there could be a strip tease, or sexy talk or foreplay, because men actually like being slowed down. Come on. It takes longer. The tension builds up. If I have a sex tip, it’s go slow. It even works to take a phone call. Or spend some time in the bathroom. One of my favorite lines is, “You’re on my hair!” Or, “You’re hurting me!” Get up. Go into the kitchen. Get a bottle of wine. And let him pop the cork. You don’t even have to drink the wine. Though I love it when I see a woman drink straight out of the bottle. If he’s down for that, he’s down for anything. Then start again at the beginning. The more trouble you are, the less likely he is to forget you and the more valuable you become. It isn’t even a bad idea to threaten to leave. You shouldn’t be doing this? You hardly know him? It heightens the moment.
With Cap, this just isn’t the case. They want it right now. Wherever you are. But like everything else with this sexy sign, they focus on success. And forgettable is just fine, too. Caps are known for this quality. No muss. No fuss.
Bobby also has his Mars in Scorpio conjunct Saturn — more Capricorn. The Sun/Venus/Mercury — Capricorn. His Moon is in its rulership in Cancer which makes family important to him and that also being a water sign, compassion. The fact that it is conjunct Uranus/Aquarius makes it one of the highest Moons there is. His Neptune in Libra squares all those Capricorn planets. I would love to tell you he doesn’t lie. But clearly he does. I do think he keeps it to his private life, because I’ve never heard anyone accuse him of fibbing. And he deserves credit for that. It’s something he must rise above. Not at all natural to him. He admits to being a flawed person.
My opinion? He wants out of his marriage. And that makes sense. He has a wife that puts her career ahead of their marriage. It’s very hard to work in Hollywood if you aren’t liberal to a fault. You probably read what Bradley Whitford said to Bobby’s wife:
“'Hey @CherylHines, way to stay silent while your lunatic husband throws his support behind the adjudicated rapist who brags about stripping women of their fundamental rights. Gutsy. Great example for the kids. Profile in courage.”
He was speaking for all of the entertainment industry. And no answer from her defending her husband.
Currently, Bobby has transiting Pluto on his Mercury, his reputation. This only because Pluto retrograded. It will move back into Aquarius again in November. This is also the reason I was worried he would be assassinated. And, trust me, if he were a threat as a presidential candidate, it would have been him, not Trump. The difference would have been, he would be dead. With transiting Pluto being on three planets, Sun, Mercury, Venus, he is rethinking his life. Pluto transforms. And it does it by first tearing down.
His predictive Venus is also trine his predictive Pluto. And predictive Mars forms the third angle of the triangle. That’s a Grand Earth Trine — a really unusual aspect in predictive work because all aspects have to be within one degree. Clearly Cheryl Hines isn’t the love of his life. Not with these aspects pointing directly at romance.
I surmise Cheryl is a very sexy lady — and with tons of connections to the entertainment industry. She’s served her purpose. And never forget with Saturn, it’s always about the climbing. Larry David said about Cheryl that she doesn’t have a single enemy. That tells me everything I need to know about her. She’s a yes girl. No one is liked by everyone if they have an opinion.
Very much like Blake Lively, Cheryl has four planets in Virgo. Sun/Mercury/Uranus/Pluto. No squares at all but Saturn opposes all the Virgo planets — she can be very restrictive. It’s her nature to hold back. She also has her Mars in Scorpio along with Neptune/Venus. These two could probably really get it on. Lastly, Cheryl’s Moon is in Leo, showbiz.
The work RFK, Jr. is doing is courageous. He’s been called every name in the book for only mildly offensive things. He’s most likely anti-vaxx, although he says he’s not (vaccines ruin your immune system), he doesn’t believe in the Ukraine war or any wars that can be negotiated (wars are for the rich to get richer), and he’s trying to stop any kind of censorship (without free speech, we’re screwed). He gets beaten up every single day in the press. So, of course, he needs a woman who believes in his mission. He’s out there all alone. Even the largest part of his family is hanging on to the Kennedy liberal legacy — like their superficial popularity depends on it. Oh, right, it does.
So being the emotionally immature person that he is, Bobby got himself caught cheating so Cheryl will leave him. Grow up! You want to run a country and you can’t just have a heart-to-heart with your wife??? Coward. You’re making yourself look bad and you’re making her look bad, too. He apologized for putting her in the position she’s in. Bad sign, Cheryl. He’s really, always look at the big picture, sorry you’re not there for him. He’s apologizing for his fundamental fought-all-his-life-for beliefs? Right. Read the tea leaves. He couldn’t leave you when he was running for president but now… and you want my deep down dark opinion? He didn’t really want her in the White House with him. He still could be president. He’s looking for an idealist and a person with guts and fortitude.
RFK Jr. is in a position right now to find a woman who could literally put him in the White House. Pluto trine Mars trine Venus. And to put it another way, the love of his life. Because the love of his life would have to be that kind of woman.
Bobby’s future is nothing but bright. As a country and a Universe, we’re starting to catch on to the fact our government has been handing us lies since forever. Our history isn’t even our history. Little by little, with alternative news, we’re finding out just how deep the hole is we’ve dug for ourselves. This Kennedy, like others before him, is going to be one of the major players in the reconstruction. One brick at a time.
Now that’s a legacy worth fighting for…
For your own private reading, contact melanie@xtrology.com. But if you really want to get ahold of me, call/text 323 640-8660. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I post the Moon’s aspects. For Instagram it’s xtrology_of_hollywood. Every. Single. Day. Your comments and questions are welcome!