Did this have to happen? No. When are we going to wake up? An astrologer for the City of Boston (using the Xtrology method, of course) could have predicted a negative event during the April 15th, 2013 marathon. Here's why.
We know the birthday of The Boston Marathon. It was April 19, 1897. And we know the general time since it started in the morning probably around 9:00 am. You have a birthday, you can make predictions. Today The Boston Marathon was just coming out of the positive predictive Jupiter conjunct predictive Mercury. That is actually a very dangerous time. It lulls you into complacency. You've been protected by Jupiter and then suddenly you're not. Since in this case there was an underlying negative aspect predictive Mars square predictive Neptune, a negative event was inevitable. Mars is definitely the planet that would be expected when violence is present. And the square is the most negative energy. You don't see it coming like you do an opposition. Neptune tells us that it's secretive, sneaky even. There are no known threats. And I hear the newscasters saying that no one is jumping on board to take credit for this. That's Neptune's cloud of deception. It is possible the perpetrator will never be found. Or it will be a terrorist group unknown before now. Neptune seems like a nice planet until you witness its ability to put a veil of secrecy over a situation you should see clearly and hide the destruction until it's too late.
With transiting Pluto opposition the Marathon's natal Mars (just as a person would have this), death is a strong possibility. Apparently that has already been confirmed. Having an official astrologer would have allowed more precautions to have been taken. How difficult would it have been to have a bomb sniffing dog check out the route? Or other unobtrusive methods? Astrology is a tool we can use to avoid unnecessary pain and suffering.
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