You have to love Britney Spears. With four planets in Sagittarius and Libra rising. She’s too nice. I love people with Aquarius Moons. Almost always, they are decent people. You don’t find this chart very often in show business — it’s too brutal — not the chart — the industry. You need to be tough. And Britney isn’t.
Her Venus is in Capricorn which isn’t a bad position but it squares her Pluto and Saturn. So relationships are hard. And all those Sadge planets? They all square Mars. She’s angry but doesn’t have the personality to deal with it.
She had the whole world behind her when she was trying to shake off her conservancy. But I think we’ve all realized that her father wasn’t entirely wrong. However, guess who has the nasty chart that totally fits in the entertainment industry? That’s right. Jamie Spears.
Jamie is a Gemini with three planets including the Sun there. He has a Scorpio Moon and Mars. I don’t know his rising sign. I do know it’s hard for him to see Britney get all the attention. I do know that he and the facts are loosely related. No doubt he benefited a little more than he should from Britney’s earnings. His intentions are not always good.
So who is going to save Britney this time? Currently she has Mercury (her reputation) trine predictive Mars, predictive Sun trine natal Mars and predictive Mercury sitting right on her Moon. So she is fine, for now. What bothers me is the future. Britney will have at the beginning of 2026 predictive Sun square Pluto. As we see with Princess Kate, this doesn’t have to mean death, but it could. Britney is heading down a path of destruction. But there is still quite a bit of time. And this is where Xtrology can save lives. She needs help now.
I know that she has a new, questionable boyfriend that is shown by her predictive Venus sextile Mercury. Will he be part of the reason she needs to be rescued? Stay tuned. She thinks she’s in love.
What about her father? Will help come from him? Interestingly Jaime has a dangerous chart. His predictive Mars is sitting right on top of his natal Moon — meaning violence? A complete breakdown of confidence? Anger? Therefore I doubt he will be helping. It’s up to her team. Handpicked by her. I don’t know if she is healthy enough to work, but that kind of stability would be good for her. She’s getting pretty far away from reality.
Sending out good vibes to Britney. The future is not bright. No need for sunglasses.
For your own private reading, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and X where I post the Moon’s aspects. Every. Single. Day. For Instagram it’s xtrology_of_hollywood. Your questions and comments are welcome!
I hope Britney can stay clear of alcohol and drug abuse. Otherwise could definitely mean an early death for her. Can't imagine dealing with constant performing as a child and then fame as a teen and 20s with a heavily sexualized image. Not to mention the parental situation. God bless.