Like you, I don't have any idea if Bruce Jenner and Chris Jenner are divorcing. Or if it's just another story line on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." But this I do know, Bruce Jenner is in trouble.
He's a Scorpio with Scorpio rising so we know he won't go down without a fight. He doesn't listen to anyone. Nor does he blame anyone for his decisions. His Moon is in cool Aquarius (square his Sun), Venus is in friendly Sagittarius and Mars in exacting Virgo (square his Venus). The Sun is a focal planet so we know he thinks highly of himself. It's a little surprising he can handle all the kidding he gets about having plastic surgery. But my guess is that he's internalizing it. Could he explode? Implode? And with Mercury as a focal planet, well, I've never seen them be shy about criticizing or very nice about it either. His final focal planet is Neptune and that's what may make this all come together -- his ability to distort his emotions to fit his needs. He can be manipulated by a person with a stronger ego.
One thing you do not want in your chart is a predictive Mars square. Bruce has one to Uranus. Ouch! His predictive Venus is also opposition his predictive Pluto. And finally his predictive Sun is conjunct transiting Pluto square transiting Uranus, part of the Bite Me transit. There's a nice little trine between the predictive Mars and the Moon, but up against this stuff, it won't mean that much.
The planet of divorce is Uranus. After it aspects natal Uranus, it will go on to aspect predictive Uranus so this lasts a long time. And with Venus, people you love, opposing, I can't imagine that he doesn't want out. There is just no satisfaction for him. His wife has beneficial Jupiter flooding her with confidence so she may not work that hard to fix what's wrong or she might tell him to stay put and she'll get back to him when she's ready.
The question is, will Bruce get his cajones back? He's inclined to go along, but he's getting over it. Will the Scorpio side of him show up and take back his power? Or will the Neptune side give in and lie down like a dog? Either way, this is a difficult and stressful time for him. There are really no good answers. Often when decisions are not made, the stress finds its way into the body as an injury or disease. Because it's coming out -- somewhere.
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