As I'm getting older I'm realizing the importance of family. Hey, I'm a Sagittarius not a Cancer, the sign that rules family. And no Cancer in my chart. So it's taking me a long time to get it.
Families are very sensitive. Families are ruled by the sensitive water sign of Cancer. That's why most of us will experience crazy family stuff that overall no one really understands. Why one family member doesn't like another? Why every Thanksgiving has a degree of tension? You know what I'm talking about.
Well, being me. I just ignore that stuff. Until I realized lately that no one really cares about me, because I've never taken the time to care about them. And the reason that eye opening thing happened is my 87 year old Aunt Evelyn who is a Cancer reached out. And it forced me to think about what part I have played in this whole family senario. Because I always go by the "I didn't do anything to make anyone mad" theory. But not doing anything is doing something.
Here's what I really want to say. And please listen. Things that happen in your life happen because of the cycle you are in. If one person doesn't do something, someone else will. So that means that some of the negative events that happen to you happen through family members. It's the way the universe works.
I know you've heard it said that everything that happens to you is your fault. I'm not saying that, but I'm saying during certain periods of time you attract certain situations -- that allow your astrology chart to play itself out. It's a big concept, particularly if you don't really believe in astrology. But just for a minute consider that the universe has a plan and in that plan are negative events and positive events -- both of which are meant to teach you more about yourself and your mission on earth. And family, being the people closest to you, will play a part in the drama that is your life.
If you can stand back and look at your life as a play, you might see that all the people are just players. I think Shakespeare said something like that? And from that perspective, perhaps, you can find the strength to forgive a person who wronged you. And if that would happen, your family could come back together and be the family it's supposed to be.
We all love our families. And the ill will is painful. Just think about forgiveness, because it's for you. Or ask to be forgiven. Again, for yourself.