The experts can't explain Casey Anthony's aquittal, but Xtrology can.
To make a prediction, an astrologer looks at the matter at hand and applies that knowledge to the aspects in the native's current chart (using Secondary Progressions as defined by Xtrology). In the case of Casey Anthony, I knew that she was on trial for the murder of her daughter, Caylee. Then I looked at the evidence against her. I have to admit I was confused. On the day that Caylee died, Casey Anthony had a positive Jupiter progression -- the one that acts as a protector and hands out rewards. Despite that being over at the time of her trial, no negative aspect has replaced it. Casey was on trial for murder with the death penalty but had no negative aspects. I knew that she would not get the death penalty. Jupiter was there protecting her and the death formula was not in place. But can Jupiter overcome all the damaging testimony? Could she get off completely? After a brief look at the evidence, there was no question in my mind she killed her daughter or at least had something to do with it.
The jury, however, found her innocent. Did Jupiter set her free? The experts are coming up with all kinds of rationalizations. But astrologically, this makes perfect sense. Don't forget the Universe is a fair place, but events happen according to a schedule set in stone on the day you take your first breath. I believe Casey will get punished -- eventually. Because she is a monster. This is a message we cannot overlook -- the power of Jupiter and the power of astrology in forecasting the course of your life.
During Jupiter's positive aspects, one has a tremendous feeling of well being. Energy around you is working on your behalf. It will usually be remembered as one of the best times of your life. Few people chose to do criminal things during that time, because of a sense of peacefulness. But there are exceptions. And, as I've said in other blogs, people that do bad things during Jupiter are bad people. The only way her daughter dying at this time would make any sense is if it made Casey happy. And that has been proven by her actions. We saw her partying after Caylee disappeared.
It's very difficult to tell if a person is a sociopath by their astrological chart. There are not enough aspects. Focal planets give us some information (two planets oppose and the focal planet squares both). In Casey Anthony's chart, she has focal Venus. This aspect makes the person feel unloved and unlovable -- not enough to make her crazy. But even more interesting -- her natal Saturn (father) is conjunct natal Mars and Uranus and square her natal Sun. There is no way to know exactly what her father did to her, but HE DID SOMETHING. Mars, Saturn and Uranus are malefic planets and sitting on top of each other, they're up to no good. And if I were going to pick an astrology aspect for a molested child, this would fit perfectly. Mars square the Sun makes you angry. It's negative energy. Saturn square the Sun is how you perceive your father or how your father treats you. And Uranus adds a kinky element. Mars is also your sexual energy. Then all are square to the Sun (you), and we have the perfect storm. Is she feeling unloved and unlovable because of something her father did? And did her daughter suffer because of angry feelings Casey had regarding her father?
Casey Anthony is a Pisces Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. Jupiter conjunct her Sun makes her luckier than most of us most of the time. She's Pisces so she's super-sensitive and water bound and with a Cancer Moon -- more water and sensitivity. Neptune, the planet of lying or delusion is opposition her Moon and square her Venus. Because the square is to Venus and not her Sun, I think this speaks more to being deluded and in denial.
Casey Anthony was found 'not guilty' today, because astrologically she can't be punished at this time. Look for something to happen in the future. Look for something to come out in two years around July of 2013 when Casey's progressed Mars squares her Moon. Her feelings (Moon) will be catching up with her about that time.