If you read my blogs, you know the reason. And you may recall, I predicted Jay would not work in that time slot. Conan's not smarter or funnier than anyone else. He's in the right place at the right time. And Conan has that beneficial Jupiter/Sun conjunction in his natal chart. He's always lucky and now just more so.
Jay, too, is the same person he always was, but he ran into a negative cycle, and that's not the right time to start a new venture.
Same thing with Ellen Degeneres. Best case scenario. People still like her. Worst case scenario, she gets blamed for the demise of "Idol." This is not a smart move for her.
I can't define winning for Conan, but he'll come out ahead in the late night war. Progressed Sun sextile progressed Jupiter. Need I say more?
What I really want you to remember is that Conan is in a good cycle. Do you really like him? Do you really think he is funny. We have a tendency to go along with winners -- just because they are winning. A person in a bad cycle is still the person they were prior. Watch people because you think they are quality people. An example of this for me is Dr. Phil, who, in my opinion, knows absolutely nothing about psychology. I won't watch him. I don't care how popular he is or how many catch phrases he comes up with. I don't support this kind of advice.
UPDATE: Leno's rating now that he's back at "The Tonight Show" are 1.2 compared to Conan's of 1.1 before he was fired. Barely a significant difference.
UPDATE2: After Conan's tour, "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On Television," it will be announced that he will have a late night show on Fox.