This is a reblog from 2/4/2015: "I looked at this this month when Bruce Jenner announced he would not be returning to "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." (Although I've read he will come back another year.) I wondered if all the gossip were true.
Normally for a transitioning man, you would check for a negative Jupiter aspect in the natal chart showing that there is an over-idealization of the feminine principle. His is opposition Uranus and square Mercury/Neptune. Uranus being part of that T-square points to relating (Jupiter is the relating principle) in an unusual way. Bruce is a Scorpio with Scorpio rising, and they do have their little secrets. Another clue is no planets in the relationship houses, the 5th, the 7th and the 8th. He's had a few marriages and divorces. Is there a hindrance to him forming long-lasting relationships in a traditional manner?
This I do know. Bruce is going through some really tough aspects. First his predictive Venus opposed Pluto. Venus is people you love and Pluto is all about transformation. He and his wife, Chris, are getting a divorce. Then along comes predictive Mars (the worst of the worst) to square predictive Uranus (the most rebellious of all the planets). So he's definitely experiencing negative energy. He, no doubt, isn't very happy with his life right now.
If he does decide to transition to womanhood, this is the wrong time. I advise my clients, "Don't make life altering changes when the energy isn't on your side. It doesn't always produce the results you're looking for."
For a private consultation, please contact And please visit Xtrology on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and Xtrology of Hollywood on Instagram -- an imposter took my name -- again!
UPDATE: Bruce Jenner had a car accident on PCH Highway in California where he rear-ended a woman causing her car to spin into oncoming traffic. She is dead. Mars also rules cars and Uranus accidents. Square to each other, they are extremely negative aspects. I did not predict the aspect would play itself out with a death, but if Bruce had been a client of mine, I would, absolutely, have advised him to be careful driving a car and especially one with a trailer behind it.
UPDATE2: Today in THE DAILY MAIL it is reported by inside sources that Caitlyn is de-transitioning and returning to a male hood. I'm updating this despite that fact it's just speculation, because I was so certain the timing for this kind of a major life change was completely wrong. We'll just have to wait and see now. The process will take place over years and may have something to do with the fact that Jenner is still attracted to women -- women who don't want a woman who was formerly a man. And, Girls, we know, you're in your 60's and, really, you want to wake up to makeup and hair every morning. And shaving your legs, mani's and pedi's. C'mon. It's not easy being us.