Everyone probably has a David Bowie story, and I have a little one. I was going to meetings -- you know the ones you're not supposed to talk about -- with my girlfriend who was a "meeting" groupie. I was sort of her groupie. Anyway we went to the Log Cabin (famous Beverly Hills meeting) because she believed David Bowie would be there. We were late, of course. And there was only one chair left. She told me to take it because she was with her boyfriend. Well, guess what? It was empty because David Bowie was sitting next to it. I didn't see him. Until I sat down and he moved as far away from me as he could and still sit in his seat. Then I noticed him. That was sort of unflattering. But I sucked it up. And my friend who was standing right behind me -- never saw David Bowie!?!?
Later in the meeting, when I guess he realized I was not there to bother him, he not only sat back in his folding chair, he sat back on my shoulder -- leaning against it. I had no idea what to do so we sat the remainder of the meeting in that position.
David Bowie is a Capricorn with his Mars and Mercury there. His Moon is in the show business sign of Leo. His Venus in Sagittarius. They want their partners to be their friends. And his Mars is in Capricorn. Aquarius was his rising sign. What made him so special? Nothing. No astrology chart makes you special. It's what you're given growing up -- the support you get and the choices you make. That's all. You can be a super star with an easy chart or a hard chart.
At his death, David had predictive Mars conjunct Mercury. It isn't reported yet what kind of cancer killed him. But because transiting Pluto was conjunct his Mars (that nasty little aspect plagued me for 2 1/2 years and also almost killed me in a car accident) and his natal Mercury, I'm wondering what Mercury had to do with it. Pluto is death and Mars (besides being cars) just messes with your life. It will be curious to see if Mercury has some meaning for him in the end.
Good night Ziggy Stardust.
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