Dina Eastwood, wife of Clint Eastwood, was on "Bethenny." She almost had me crying with her. Oh, the woes of a divorce -- I might add in the face of cheating rumors with a member of her boy toy band, "Overtone." But Clint is 83, she's only 48. He's away from home a lot. I could overlook an indiscretion.
But then there's the reality show, "Mrs. Eastwood & Company," that was a vehicle to launch the band that mostly featured her. It was a little self-serving. And is a marriage with a 35 year age difference for real? Or is it a desperate need to be on top?
Dina has a Cancer Sun with Mercury/Venus in Leo. Her focal planets are the result of a Grand Square (relatively uncommon) giving her five -- an extremely high number which always result in anxiety issues that are difficult to overcome. Three of them are outer (easier) planets, but one of them, of course, is serious ambition, Saturn. The Moon is also focal in a mutable sign, Sagittarius. This can be confusing, because Sagittarius Moon people tend to be very forthright -- even too much at times. But focal Moon feelings waver constantly and are very sensitive. Add that to the Neptune square Mercury and you've got a person who is not telling anything close to the truth. And quite believes her own stories.
But what is startling? Nothing. Nothing is startling in her astrology chart. She tried dragging an old boyfriend home, and instead of making Clint jealous, he ended up riding into the sunset with the guy's wife. Or ex or something. And by riding into the sunset, I mean Clint moved the other woman into their house. That was not part of the plan. And why was there a plan? She's trying to pull off a coup with a man who is a conservative Republican, extraordinarily wealthy movie star? Silly, Girl. You will be "Unforgiven."
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