What do I mean by a death chart? I mean that Gabrielle Giffords has a chart that has all the negative qualities that would allow a death to take take place. It does not mean a death will take place, just that a death could. It is during these times that you must be extremely vigilent.
On Saturday, January 8, 2011, Giffords, a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, was speaking in a supermarket parking lot when a young man shot her and then killed six others and injured 14.
Giffords is a Gemini with a 10th House Sun. She is a career girl. Her natal Mars (also in the 10th House) was part of the T-square (two planets oppose and one planet squares both opposition planets) that constituted the Pluto portion of her negative chart. Pluto at 5 degrees Capricorn opposed her 4 degree Cancer Mars and squared her 4 degree natal Uranus in Libra. A negative Pluto transiting aspect is necessary for a death to occur.
The other part of the equation is a negative secondary progression. Hers came from her Sun progressed to 26 degrees Cancer to square her natal 26 degree Jupiter. When Jupiter is in a negative aspect, it is excess or the law. We could make the assumption this shooting had something to do with Arizona and it's controversial laws of late.
Because her focal planet is her Moon, she is quite sensitive. But it's a Leo Moon and she also likes the limelight. There is a chance, even with a good outcome, she won't want to put herself in this position again.
Keeping in mind, astrology simply speaks to the energy surrounding the situation, let's pray, this is not a death chart and wish Gabrielle Giffords a speedy recovery. But keep in mind something died -- maybe her abililty to trust.