Gayle King, Oprah's, BFF forever, has made a questionable decision. She is leaving her talk show on the OWN channel to join CBS Early Show. This at a time the OWN channel is struggling. And there is no reason she couldn't do both. Except she has decided not to.
Earth to Gayle. What are you thinking? No one leaves their best friend -- the best friend that gave you your career -- the career that some people don't think you have the talent for. And especially if your best friend is Aquarius. They are loyal to their friends and expect loyalty in return.
Gayle is an ambitious Capricorn. So all that second banana stuff has always bugged her a little. Capricorn rules ambition and the 10th House of Career. But much more important is that Saturn is a focal planet for her (two planets oppose and the focal planet squares) which just amps it up to the max. This was going to happen. Gayle has always believed she belongs at the top. And, again, her relationship with Oprah is a Moon/Sun relationship with Gayle's Moon in Aquarius.
Making a move like this requires strategy. Gayle doesn't have it. Her other focal planets are Venus and Neptune -- doesn't feel lovable and doesn't see things clearly. She needs advice, because an ill-timed move is all it takes to destroy everything you've worked towards.
Currently Gayle's predictive chart has a T-Square (two planets oppose and one planet squares) because natally she has a 27 degree Neptune in Libra and a 27 degree Jupiter in Cancer that allowed predictive Mars at 27 Aries to oppose one and square the other. This is serious stuff. It's an opposition and two squares. And her predictive Venus is opposed to her predictive Jupiter. In negative cycles, you will make bad decisions and especially if you tend to make them anyway.
We will wait and watch knowing that this is just wrong. Her co-anchor on Early Show is Charlie Rose if that gives you any idea what could happen to Gayle. I predict she is making a big mistake.
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UPDATE: 11/22/17 Charlie Rose has just been fired from CBS for inappropriate conduct. And here was the reason I didn't think Gayle would last with him. But, I guess I didn't factor in the power of Oprah. And maybe that isn't giving Gayle her due, but I thought Charlie would be super hard on her -- wouldn't take her seriously. Either way she held up graciously. But she shouldn't get too cocky. He would have taken her down if he could. He's just that kind of guy.