They call it the reality show curse, because so many couples on reality shows get divorces. This one is an astrological curse. And, yep, this marriage is over. That's my prediction.
I was watching GUILIANA AND BILL this weekend. Giuliana walked into her new house. Walked upstairs. Walked past her newly decorated home. Her husband decorated it. Now what woman doesn't have something to say about how the place she lives in looks? That seemed really strange. And I also got the strong impression that having a child was much more his idea than hers.
Giuliana Ransic is a Leo girl and her new husband, Bill, is a Taurus. In astrology, they are 90 degrees apart making them a square which is negative energy. It's rare to see squares get married, because they don't naturally attract. And when they do, it's for another reason -- like career, or prestige or it's time to get married. We saw it with Chelsea Clinton and her new husband and, again, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. It's a clash.
Giuliana is coming off a happy Jupiter period where her career soared. It's unfortunate that she now has a long term negative aspect (they're fairly rare). Her natal Saturn left it's original sign using predictive astrology along with natal Uranus doing the same thing. Therefore they can make new aspects. And they are square to each other. Yikes! Because these are generational planets, this will last a long time. These are powerful heavy-duty negative planets. Saturn rules health and work. And Uranus rules the unexpected.
Bill Ransic has an exactly opposite chart. His natal Sagittarius Jupiter retrograded to Scorpio and now instead of squaring his Pluto, it sextiles it. This is predictive Jupiter in a positive aspect. This guy has a long term Jupiter aspect.
And here is the problem. When one partner is happy and one partner isn't, someone gets restless. Couples do stay together. They should. A lifetime together means there will be some problems. But this couple is incompatible. So I predict they won't make it through these difficulties.
Get an astrology reading before you get married. Pah Leeze!
UPDATE1: October 2011, Giuliana has been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. This is another possible outcome of a negative progression.